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Traffic & Roads

North Lanarkshire, Bellshill - Various roads - Proposal to install Road humps

ML1Published 13/11/24Expired
Glasgow World • 

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North Lanarkshire Council, in terms of Section 37 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, Section 4 of the Roads (Traffic Calming) (Scotland) Regulations 1994, hereby gives notice of its intention to install road humps on Various Roads in the Bellshill area as part of road safety measures associated with the new adjacent Community Hub.

The proposal is to install measures on Footfield Road, Babylon Road, Babylon Drive and Lawmuir Road as undernoted:

Footfield Road 2 speed tables 70mm in height with 2.75 metres flat top, to be installed at a point (a) 40 metres or thereby and (b) 102 metres or thereby, south of the extended south kerbline of Whitepond Avenue.

2 raised crossings 100mm in height with 4 metres flat top, to be installed at a point (a) 26 metres or thereby and (b) 87 metres or thereby, north of the extended north kerbline of Babylon Road.

Babylon Road 1 raised crossing 70mm in height with 6m flat top, to be installed at a point 32m or thereby west of the extended west kerbline of Babylon Avenue.

Babylon Drive 1 speed table 70mm in height with 2.75m flat top, to be installed at a point 80m or thereby north of the extended north kerbline of Babylon Road.

Lawmuir Road  1 speed table 70mm in height with 2.75m flat top, to be installed at a point 58m or thereby south of the extended south kerbline of Babylon Road.

The raised crossings will be constructed full width of carriageway. Each raised crossing will have a flat top with 1.15 meter long ramps on each approach. These will be constructed with bituminous material to a maximum height of 100 millimetres above the adjacent road surface.

The speed tables will be constructed full width of carriageway with a 300mm gap between the edge of the speed table and carriageway edge. Each speed table will have a flat top with 1.15 meter long ramps on each approach. These will be constructed with bituminous material to a maximum height of 70 millimetres above the adjacent road surface.

Full details, including a plan showing the proposed installation of road humps is available for inspection on the Council’s website at or alternatively a hard copy is available for inspection during normal office hours, Monday to Friday inclusive, at the office of the Chief Officer (Legal and Democratic), North Lanarkshire Council, Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell ML1 1AB.

NB This advertisement supersedes the advertisement published in the local press week commencing Monday, 4 November 2024.

Any person wishing to make representations in support or raise an objection on the proposals must do so in writing to the Chief Officer (Legal and Democratic), North Lanarkshire Council, Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell ML1 1AB or to the email address no later than Wednesday, 4 December 2024 and must contain the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made.



Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell, ML1 1AB

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