Nile Street And Villiers Street - Temporary Traffic Regulation
What is happening?
Sunderland City Council gives notice that on 12th November 2024 it made an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which is to temporarily prohibit all vehicle, cycle, horse and pedestrian traffic from the sections of carriageways and footways described in the schedule. The Order is required to allow for the construction of a new housing development. The order comes into force on 25th November 2024. The maximum duration of the closure under the Order will be eighteen months. All vehicles, horses, cyclists and pedestrians will be prohibited from the sections of carriageways and footways described in the schedule (except for personnel involved in the works), until the works are completed or at such times and to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by the display of traffic signs. An alternative route will be provided via the adjacent highways network.
Schedule Coronation Street from its junction with Norfolk Street East Rear to and including its junction with Villiers Street; Nile Street from its junction with Coronation Street to its junction with High Street West; Nile Street East Back from its junction with Coronation Street to its junction with Little Villiers Street; Villiers Street from its junction with Coronation Street to its junction with High Street West; Little Villiers Street for its entire extent; Villiers Street from its junction with Little Villiers Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction; and High Street West from its junction with Nile Street to its junction with Villiers Street.
Dated: 13th November 2024. Patrick Melia OBE, Chief Executive, Sunderland City Council, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA
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