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Traffic & Roads

Wigan, Standish/Hindley Green - Temporary Road Closures, to allow a new electric connection.

PR7Published 12/11/24
Wigan Today • 

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(Greenland Avenue Standish)

(Temporary Closure) Order 2024 Notice of Proposals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assistant Director Infrastructure and Regulatory Services of the Wigan Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and delegated to her by the said Council proposes to make the Wigan Borough (Greenland Avenue Standish) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024.

The effect of the Order will be to prohibit any person from driving a vehicle or causing or permitting a vehicle to be driven in Greenland Avenue Standish during the period of nine days commencing on 22/01/2025 to 30/01/2025.

The alternative route for traffic is: School Lane and Green Lane. The Order is necessary to allow a new electric connection.

(Beaumaris Road, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024

Notice of Proposals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assistant Director Infrastructure and Regulatory Services of the Wigan Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and delegated to her by the said Council proposes to make the Wigan Borough (Beaumaris Road, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024.

The effect of the Order will be to prohibit any person from driving a vehicle or causing or permitting a vehicle to be driven in Beaumaris Road, Hindley Green commencing on 02/12/2024 to 20/12/2024.

The alternative route for traffic is: Brecon Drive and Pendennis Crescent. The Order is necessary to allow a new electric connection.

(Richmond Road, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024

Notice of Proposals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assistant Director Infrastructure and Regulatory Services of the Wigan Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and delegated to her by the said Council proposes to make the Wigan Borough (Richmond Road, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024.

The effect of the Order will be to prohibit any person from driving a vehicle or causing or permitting a vehicle to be driven in Richmond Road, Hindley Green commencing on 02/12/2024 20/12/2024.

The alternative route for traffic is: Beaumaris Road and Pendennis Crescent. The Order is necessary to allow a new electric connection.

(Pendennis Crescent, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024

Notice of Proposals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assistant Director Infrastructure and Regulatory Services of the Wigan Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and delegated to her by the said Council proposes to make the Wigan Borough (Pendennis Crescent, Hindley Green) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024.

The effect of the Order will be to prohibit any person from driving a vehicle or causing or permitting a vehicle to be driven in Pendennis Crescent, Hindley Green commencing on 02/12/2024 to 20/12/2024.

The alternative route for traffic is: Richmond Road and Beaumaris Road. The Order is necessary to allow a new electric connection.

(Ladies Lane HIndley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024 Notice of Making

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assistant Director Infrastructure and

Regulatory Services of Wigan Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and delegated to her by the said Council has made the Wigan Borough (Ladies Lane Hindley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024.

The effect of the Order will be to prohibit any person from driving a vehicle or causing or permitting a vehicle to be driven in Ladies Lane Hindley for a period of two days commencing on 11/01/2025 to 12/01/2025.

The alternative route for traffic is: B5239 Bolton Road, B5239 Dicconson Lane, A6 Chorley Road, B5236 Church Street, A58 Wigan Road, A58 Castle Hill Road and A58 Bridge Street.

The Order is necessary to allow a new water connection.

S. 233 (4) Town And Country Planning Act 1990

Notice of Intended Disposal of Open Space Land

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 233 (4) of the above named Act that Wigan Borough Council intends to dispose of the land described below for the purpose of facilitating a small housing development for garden land and ancillary housing use.

DESCRIPTION OF LAND a parcel of land consisting of approximately 313.70sqm located off Samuel Street, Atherton, Wigan.

A plan of the site may be inspected during normal business hours at the Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan WN1 1YN by contacting the Legal Services Admin Section on 01942 827030 or by email to

This notice is given in so far as the above land consists of or forms part of an open space within the meaning of the above Section.

Any objections to this intended disposal must be made in writing to the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections, Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan WN1 1YN quoting reference: RD/LS/CF/C117-800 no later than 29th November 2024 at 4pm.

Dated this 12th day of November 2024

Mrs J Davies, Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections,

Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan WN1 1YN

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