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Traffic & Roads

Little Wenlock - Public Rights Of Way

TF13 6AAPublished 07/11/24Expired
Telford Journal • 

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Borough of Telford & Wrekin

Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way

(Parish of Little Wenlock)

Footpath 74 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 6 2024
The above Order, made on 22 August 2024, under Section 53(2)(b) of the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, if confirmed as made will modify the
definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading Footpath 74
commencing at OSGR SJ 63231 09166 at the junction with a public right of
way the route being a stone path having a width of 2.5 metres continues
south-east for a distance of 195 metres to OSGR SJ 63336 09002 then
continues north-north-east for a distance of 95 metres to OSGR SJ 63380
09093 then continues in a general easterly direction for 50 metres to OSGR
SJ 63432 09084 then continues south for a distance of 60 metres to OSGR
SJ 63433 09043 then continues in a general easterly direction for a distance of 270 metres to OSGR SJ 63695 09094 then continues south for
a distance of 20 metres to the junction with a public right of way at OSGR
SJ 63712 09064 then continues south for a distance of 60 metres to the
junction with Footpath 66 and Footpath 67 at OSGR SJ 63711 09026 then
continues south for a distance of 140 metres to the junction with Footpath
71 at OSGR SJ 63691 08900 then continues south for a distance of 40
metres to the junction with Bridleway 64 at OSGR SJ 63687 08841.

Footpath 69 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 7 2024
The above Order, made on 22 August 2024, under Section 53(2)(b) of the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, if confirmed as made will modify the
definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading Footpath 69
commencing at Ordnance Survey Grid Reference (OSGR) SJ 63689
08843 at the junction with Bridleway 64 the route being a stone path having
a width of 2.5 metres continues south-south-west for a distance of 255
metres to OSGR SJ 63575 08614 then continues south-south-east for a
distance of 140 metres to OSGR SJ 63636 08513 then continues south-
west for a distance of 150 metres to the junction with Footpath 186 at
OSGR SJ 63561 08372 then continues south-west for a distance of 840
metres to the junction with a public right of way at OSGR SJ 62935 07768.

Footpath 75 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 8 2024
The above Order, made on 22 August 2024, under Section 53(2)(b) of the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, if confirmed as made will modify the
definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading Footpath 75
commencing at OSGR SJ 63395 09393 at the junction with Wrekin Course
the route being a stone path having a width of 2.5 metres continues south-
west for a distance of 265 metres to the junction with Footpath 84 at OSGR
SJ 63239 09193 then continues south west for a distance of 22 metres to
the junction with a public right of way at OSGR SJ 63231 09166 then
continues south west for a distance of 1,160 metres to the junction with a
public right of way at OSGR SJ 62407 08378.
This Notice replaces the notice previously advertised on 29 th August 2024
known as:
Footpath 74 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 6 2024
Footpath 69 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 7 2024
Footpath 75 upgrade to Bridleway (Wrekin Hill) Order No. 8 2024
You can view the order and map online at using reference number
Any representations about or objections to the Order must be sent in writing
to the Director: Policy and Governance, Borough of Telford & Wrekin, Legal
Services, Darby House, Lawn Central, Telford, TF3 4JA or via email to not later than 20 th December 2024. Please state the
grounds on which they are made.
If no representations or objections are duly made to the Order, or any part

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