Hertfordshire, Hemel /Tring/Berkhamstead - Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Road Closures- to allow for various works to be carried out.
What is happening?
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council has made the above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of Felden Lane, Hemel Hempstead from its junction with Roughdown Villas Road south eastwards and south westwards for a distance of approximately 340m (“the Road”), except for access.
An alternative route will be via Felden Lane, A4251 London Road, Featherbed Lane and Felden Lane. The Order is needed because tree felling and vegetation works are proposed to be executed near the Road.
The Order has been made and shall come into force on 11 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.
If you have any queries about the Order, please contact Kev Clarke tel. 01442 211 285 at Herts Tree Surgeons or Ben Crabbe tel. 0300 123 4047 at Hertfordshire County Council.
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council has made the above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of Akeman Street, Tring from its junction with B4635 High Street south westwards and south eastwards to its junction with Park Street, a distance of approximately 346m (“the Road”), except for access. An alternative route will be via B4635 (High Street/Western Road/Aylesbury Road) and Park Road. ADDITIONALLY all vehicles are prohibited from waiting at any time on both sides of this length of the Road whilst works are in progress.
The Order is needed because works are proposed to be executed on or near the Road.
The Order has been made and shall come into force on 11 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.
If you have any queries about the Order, please contact Chris Stubbs tel. 0300 123 4047 at Hertfordshire County Council.
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council has made the above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of A416 Chesham Road, Berkhamsted from its junction with A4251 High Street south westwards to its junction with Hilltop Road, a distance of approximately 549m (“the Road”).
An alternative route will be via A4251 High Street, Three Close Lane and Hilltop Road.
The Order is needed because utility service works are proposed to be executed on or near the Road.
The Order has been made and shall come into force on 13 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.
If you have any queries about the Order, please contact Andreea Andries tel. 0203 838 2007 at Centrecomms or Ben Crabbe tel. 0300 123 4047 at Hertfordshire County Council.
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council has made the above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using the following lengths of roads (“the Roads”), except for access and to prohibit all vehicles from waiting at any time on both sides of these lengths of Roads whilst works are in progress:-
1. that length of A416 Kings Road, Berkhamsted from its junction with A4251 High Street south westwards to its junction with A416 Kingshill Way, a distance of approximately 1258m.
An alternative route will be via A4251 (High Street/London Road), A41 (unnamed road) and A416 (Chesham Road/Kingshill Way) or via A416 Kingshill Way, A41 (unnamed road) and A4251 (London Road/High Street).
2. that length of A416 Kingshill Way, Berkhamsted from its junction with A416 Kings Road south eastwards to its junction with the A41 (unnamed road)/A416 Chesham Road roundabout, a distance of approximately 516m.
An alternative route will be via A416 Kings Road, A4251 (High Street/London Road), A41 (unnamed road) and A416 Chesham Road or via A41 (unnamed road), A4251 (London Road/High Street) and A416 Kings Road.
3 that length of Beechcroft, Berkhamsted from its junction with Chesham Road north westwards and north eastwards for its entire length.
There is no alternative route available for vehicles when the works are being carried out. However vehicular access to properties in this road will be maintained whenever possible throughout the duration of the works.
4. that length of Brownlow Road, Berkhamsted from its junction with New Road south westwards to its junction with Bridgewater Road, a distance of approximately 458m.
An alternative route will be via New Road, Station Road, Castle Street, A4251 (High Street/Gossoms End), Billet Lane and Bridgewater Road or via New Road, Whitehill and Brownlow Road.
5. that length of New Road, Berkhamsted from its junction with Whitehill south eastwards and north eastwards to its junction with The Common, a distance of approximately 1648m.
An alternative route will be via Whitehill, Gravel Path and The Common.
The Order is needed because works are proposed to be executed on or near the Roads. The Order has been made and shall come into force on 11 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Roads.
If you have any queries about the Order please contact Natasha Cook tel. 0300 123 4047 at Ringway.
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of Fishery Road, Hemel Hempstead from its junction with the Green End Road/Northridge Way roundabout south eastwards and south westwards to its junction with the A4251 London Road roundabout, a distance of approximately 377m (“the Road”), except for access.
An alternative route will be via St Johns Road, A4146 Station Road and A4251 London Road. ADDITIONALLY all vehicles are prohibited from waiting at any time on both sides of this length of the Road whilst works are in progress.
The Order is needed because works are proposed to be executed on or near the Road.
If the Order is made, it shall come into force on 25 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.
If you have any queries about the proposed Order, please contact Ben Howard tel. 07796 718 112 at Ringway.
NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of A416 Kings Road, Berkhamsted from a point in line with the southern boundary of No.59 Kings Road north eastwards for a distance of approximately 500m (“the Road”), except for access.
An alternative route will be via A41 (unnamed road), A4251 (London Road/High Street) and A416 Kings Road or via A416 Kings Road, A4251 (High Street/London Road), A41 (unnamed road) and A416 Chesham Road.
The Order is needed because the replacement of an existing gas main is proposed to be executed on or near the Road.
If the Order is made, it shall come into force on 25 November 2024 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.
If you have any queries about the proposed Order, please contact Will Harvey tel. 0330 016 9696 at Core Highways or Ben Crabbe tel. 0300 123 4047 at Hertfordshire County Council
A copy of the proposed Orders may be inspected free of charge at County Hall, Hertford between the hours of 9am and 5pm (excluding weekends, bank and public holidays).
The making of Traffic Regulation Orders is a statutory function of the County Council. Any personal data you provide in responding to these Notices will be treated as confidential but will be shared with HCC Officers; County Councillors and contracted third parties who are involved in the statutory process. We will not share identifiable data with third parties outside of the statutory process.
Guidance on your rights in respect of personal data are published in the
Privacy Policy on our website, Hertfordshire.gov.uk
6th November 2024
Mark Doran, Executive Director, Growth and Environment,
County Hall, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8DN
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