Crawley - Various Parking Charges
What is happening?
Notice of variation changes to parking charges in
Crawley Borough Council’s off-street car parks
Crawley Borough Council gives notice pursuant to Section 35C of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and
Regulation 25 of the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 of a
proposal to vary parking charges identified in The Crawley Borough Council (Off Street Parking Places)
(Civil Enforcement and Consolidation) Order 2009 (“the Consolidated Order”) (as amended).
Car park Duration of parking Existing charge New charge
Town Hall
car park
Charging 7am to 6pm Charging all day
Up to one hour £1.10 £1.60
Up to three hours £2.70 Tariff removed
Over three hours £3.80 Tariff removed
Up to four hours Not an existing tariff £3.50
Up to 24 hours Not an existing tariff £5.50
From 6pm to midnight £2.10 (flat rate) Evening tariff has been removed
Saturday and Sunday £2.10 (flat rate)
Saturday and Sunday tariff
removed and replaced with
tariff shown above
multistorey car
Up to one hour £1.60 Up to one hour removed
Up to two hours Not an existing tariff £2.50
Up to three hours £3.20 £3.00
Up to 12 hours £5.30 This tariff has been removed
Up to 24 hours £7.40 £5.50
Evening 6pm to midnight £2.10 (flat rate) Evening tariff removed
Weekend £2.10 (flat rate) Weekend tariff removed
surface car
Charging from 7am to 7pm Charging from 7am to 10pm
Up to two hours £2.10 Up to two hours removed
Up to three hours £2.70 £2.50
All day £3.80 £4.50
Sunday and Bank Holiday
(all day) £1.10
This tariff has been removed
and replaced with the tariff
shown above
The new charges will come into force on 1 November.
In all other respects, the provisions of the current The Crawley Borough Council
(Off Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement and Consolidation) Order 2009
(“the Consolidated Order”) (as amended) will remain in force.
Parking Services Manager, Town Hall, The Boulevard, Crawley RH10 1UZ
Dated 5 October
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