Yorkshire Street Area - Prohibition Of Turns And U-Turn And One Way Traffic
What is happening?
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lancashire County Council propose to make the above Traffic Regulation Order under Sections 1, 2 and 4 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect of which will be to:
1. Introduce a prohibition of left turn in Centenary Way (A682), Burnley, from its northern carriageway at the junction with Red Lion Street turning into Red Lion Street.
2. Introduce a prohibition of right turn in Centenary Way (A682), Burnley, from its southern carriageway at the junction with Red Lion Street turning into Red Lion Street.
3. Introduce a prohibition of U-Turn in the following lengths of road:
a) Centenary Way (A682), Burnley, from its southern carriageway at the junction with Red Lion Street turning into its northern carriageway;
b) Centenary Way (A682), Burnley, from its northern carriageway at the junction with Yorkshire Street turning into its southern carriageway;
c) Centenary Way (A682), Burnley, from its northern carriageway at the junction with Red Lion Street turning into its southern carriageway;
d) Centenary Way (U4592), Burnley, from its western carriageway at the junction with Centenary Way (A682) turning into its eastern carriageway;
e) Church Street, Burnley, from its southern carriageway at the junction with Yorkshire Street turning into its northern carriageway;
f) Yorkshire Street, Burnley, from its western carriageway at the junction with Yorkshire Street turning into its eastern carriageway.
4. Introduce one way traffic in the following lengths of road:
a) Albert Street, Burnley, from its junction with Blakey Street to its junction with Yorkshire Street in a southerly direction;
b) Croft Street, Burnley, from its junction with Yorkshire Street to its junction with Red Lion Street in a south westerly direction;
c) Eastham Place, Burnley, from its junction with Yorkshire Street to its junction with Blakey Street in a northerly direction;
d) Plumbe Street, Burnley, from its junction with Temple Street to its junction with Yorkshire Street in a northerly direction;
e) Red Lion Street, Burnley, from its junction with Croft Street to its junction with Centenary Way in a south easterly direction;
f) Yorkshire Street, Burnley, from its junction with Church Street to its junction with Croft Street in a westerly direction.
A copy of the draft Order and associated documents for proposing to make the Order may be inspected during normal office hours at the offices of Burnley Borough Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, BB11 9SA, and at the offices of The Director of Law and Governance, Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Fishergate, Preston PR1 8XJ, and on Lancashire County Councils Website http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/roads/roadworks-and-traffic-regulation-orders/permanent.aspx. Any representations or objections (specifying the grounds on which they are made) relating to the proposal must be made in writing and should be sent to The Director of Law and Governance, Lancashire County Council, P O Box 100, County Hall, Preston PR1 0LD or by e-mail to tro-consultation@lancashire.gov.uk quoting ref:LSG4\894.19455\AFR before the 04 October 2024.
Heloise MacAndrew,
Director of Law and Governance
06 September 2024
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