Leeds, Seacroft/Burmatofts/Morley - Stopping Up of Unnecessary Section of Highway in Leeds
What is happening?
Highways Act 1980 – Section 116
Stopping Up of Unnecessary Section of Highway in Leeds
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Leeds City Council intends to apply to Kirklees Magistrates Court sitting at Civic Centre, Huddersfield, HD1 2NW on 24.9.24 at 2pm for an Order under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980, authorising the stopping up of the below section of highway described in the Schedule on the ground that it is unnecessary. The section of highway to be stopped up is shown hatched red on the plan deposited at Leeds City Council, Legal Services, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR and may be inspected there free of charge during normal office hours. You can also request a copy of the plan by contacting Leeds City Council using the below contact details.
Any person wishing to object to the proposal or make representations about it, may appear at the Magistrates Court on the date above. Any person intending to appear before the Court at the hearing of the application is asked to notify Leeds City Council using the following contact details (quoting reference 197411 email jessica.lishman@leeds.gov.uk or call 0113 3780960 Leeds City Council Civic Hall LEEDS LS1 1UR
1. Sections of highway named LAND AT SEACROFT METHODIST CHURCH, YORK ROAD, LEEDS, LS14 6JB comprising approximately 112.5 square metres.
2. Sections of a highway named Shannon Street in Burmantofts and Richmond Hill, Leeds comprising approximately 42 metres long and 2 metres wide.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Leeds has made the LEEDS CITY COUNCIL (DEFINITIVE MAP FOOTPATH MORLEY No.81) (TEMPORARY FOOTPATH CLOSURE) ORDER 2024 under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
The Order closes to pedestrians the length of Definitive Map Footpath Morley No. 81, commencing at its junction with Definitive Footpath Morley No. 74 travelling in a westerly direction for approximately 220 metres to its junction with Definitive Footpath Morley No. 108.
The diversion route is via Definitive Footpath Morley No. 74, Definitive Footpath Morley No. 107 and Definitive Footpath Morley No. 108, and vice versa.
The Order is necessary to enable building works to be undertaken on or near the footpath. The Order comes into operation on 2 August 2024 (to continue the closure provided by a section 14(2) Notice). The closure will continue in effect to 29 January 2025 (subject to extension in duration of the Order).
Copies of the Order and the plan are available on request by e-mailing legal.development@leeds.gov.uk. Please quote reference TC10081. Dated: 2 August 2024
Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR
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