Blackpool, Alexandra Road - Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, to allow or repairs and maintenance.
What is happening?
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Blackpool Borough Council intend not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, to make the above Order under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and all other enabling powers to facilitate the repair and maintenance of rooftop mobile telecoms equipment using a vehicle mounted crane/lifting operation in the carriageway. The effect of the Order will be to:
(a) Prohibit any vehicle from entering or proceeding in any direction along the length of Alexandra Road between its North West junction with the median property boundaries of 12/14 Alexandra Road and its North East junction with the median property boundaries of 16/18 Alexandra Road.
An alternative vehicular route will be available for use while the Order is in force. All diversion routes will be clearly signed and maintained on site.
Pedestrian access to premises shall be maintained at all times.
Vehicular access to premises will be maintained wherever possible.
The proposed Order will commence on 27th July 2024 and continue in force for eighteen months or until the sooner completion of the aforesaid works. It is expected that the works will take 1 day between the hours of 10:00-15:30.
DATED this 8th day of July 2024
Mark Towers, Director of Governance and Partnerships, PO Box 1066,
Blackpool FY1 1GB
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