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Northamptonshire, Harleston -Temporary Closure of Bridleway, to allow for the creation, of a Natural Flood Management scheme.

NN5Published 04/07/24Expired
Northampton Chron & Echo • 

What is happening?





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that West Northamptonshire Council intend, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, to make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists from proceeding along that length of Public Bridleway CU2 (Part) in Harlestone as specified below. Private access to land or premises adjacent to the said length of bridleway are unaffected.

RIGHT OF WAY TO WHICH RESTRICTION APPLIES: That length of Public Bridleway CU2 to be closed commences on the northern side of the railway at point A on the map at National Grid Reference (‘NGR’) SP7077 6564. The route then proceeds north-east for 104 metres, crossing the stream, to terminate at point B on the map at NGR SP7083 6573. The route to be closed is shown on the map by a solid black line between points A-B.

REASONS FOR RESTRICTION: The restriction is required in the interest of health and safety during construction associated with the creation of a Natural Flood Management scheme.

PERIOD OF CLOSURE: The Order will come into effect on 12th July 2024 and will continue in force for a period of six months. An application may be made for the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport for this Order to be extended if this proves necessary. However, the restriction specified will have effect only at such times and to such extent as is indicated by the display of notices.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: The alternative route will vary and will be indicated and signed on site.

If you require any further information please contact Sam Williams

07936 962170.                                      PKG/ROW/106 – W

Dated this 4th day of July 2024


Director of Legal and Democratic and Monitoring Officer

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