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Traffic & Roads

George Square and Surrounding Roads, Edinburgh - Temporary Road Restrictions Due to George Square Festival

EH8Published 20/06/24Expired
The Scotsman • 

What is happening?



The Council, with the consent of Scottish Ministers, has made an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect of which will be that for a temporary period, to facilitate fringe events being held on George Square, no person shall: (a) drive or cause or permit any vehicle to be driven on the section of road specified in Sch 1; (b) drive or cause or permit any motor vehicle to enter, proceed or wait in or on any part of the sections of roads specified in Sch 2; (c) drive or cause or permit any motor vehicle to be driven on the length of road specified in column 1 of Sch 3, otherwise than in the direction specified opposite in the corresponding line of column 2 of the said Schedule; & (d) except with the permission of a Parking Attendant, cause or permit any vehicle to wait or load onto or unload from any vehicle on the sections of the roads specified in Sch 4. Existing restrictions will be suspended on any of the affected sections of roads described in Sch 4. The alternative route for vehicular traffic with respect to the prohibition of motor vehicles is via George Sq Lane, Buccleuch Pl/Meadow Lane & Buccleuch St. The alternative route for vehicular traffic with respect to the one-way restrictions is via George Sq, George Sq Lane, Buccleuch Pl/ Meadow Lane & Buccleuch St. The following road has no available diversion, where local access will be maintained: George Sq, east leg. The order shall have effect during the hours and on the dates specified in the Schedules.

SCHEDULE 1 ROAD CLOSURE: from 07:00hrs on 24/6/24 to 23:59hrs on 4/9/24 on George Sq, east leg, in its entirety.
SCHEDULE 2 PROHIBITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES: from 00:00hrs on 31/7/24 to 00:00hrs on 27/8/24 on: (i) George Sq, nth leg, from Charles St to George Sq Lane (nth-west corner of George Sq); & (ii) Crichton St, in its entirety.
SCHEDULE 3 ONE-WAY ROADS: from 00:01hrs on 1/7/24 to 23:59hrs on 30/7/24; & from 00:01hrs on 27/8/24 to 23:59hrs on 4/9/24:

1. 2.
Length of Road in Edinburgh  Permitted
of travel
Buccleuch Pl, from the east gable end
of No. 14, westwards and then southwards
to its jnct with George Sq Lane
East to West
& then North
to South
Crichton St, in its entirety East to West
George Sq (nth leg), from Crichton Street
to the point it adjoins George Sq (west leg)
East to West
George Sq (west leg), from the point it
adjoins George Sq (nth leg) and George Sq
Lane (sth leg)
North to South
George Sq Lane (sth leg), from its jnct
with George Sq (west leg), southwards
and then eastwards to its jnct with
Buccleuch Pl
North to South
& then
West to East

SCHEDULE 4 PROHIBITION OF WAITING, LOADING & UNLOADING: (A) from 07:00hrs on 24/6/24 to 23:59hrs on 4/9/24 on George Sq: (1) east leg, both sides, in its entirety (except event vehicles); & (2) nth leg, both sides, in its entirety (except event vehicles); (B) from 00:01hrs on 31/7/24 to 23:59hrs on 27/8/24 on George Square (west leg), east side only, from the south-west gate, northwards for 45m (except event vehicles); (C) from 00:01hrs on 1/7/24 to 23:59hrs on 4/9/24 on: (i) Buccleuch Pl: (1) central reserve bays, between Nos. 16 & 25 (except event vehicles); & (2) nth side: from its jnct with Windmill Lane, eastwards for 15m & westwards for 40m respectively (except event vehicles); (ii) Crichton St, both sides, in its entirety; (iii) George Sq (west leg), west side in its entirety (except event vehicles); & (iv) George Sq Lane: (1) nth, east & west sides, from George Sq to Buccleuch Pl; & (2) sth side: (a) from its jnct with George Sq, eastwards for 70m; & (b) from its jnct with Meadow Lane, westwards for 30m; (D) from 00:01hrs on 1/7/24 to 23:59hrs on 30/7/24; & from 00:01hrs on 27/8/24 to 23:59hrs on 4/9/24 on George Sq (west leg), east side only in its entirety (except event vehicles); & (E) from 08:00hrs on 17/7/24 to 10:00hrs on 31/7/24; & from 08:00hrs on 26/8/24 to 20:00hrs on 1/9/24 on Teviot Pl, sth side: (1) from its jnct with Bristo Pl, westwards to the east extremity of the pend entrance to the Med Quad (Dr Elsie Inglis Quadrangle) (except event vehicles); & (2) from the west extremity of the pend entrance to the Med Quad (Dr Elsie Inglis Quadrangle), westwards for 30m (except taxis).

How long will it take?

Planned start


Estimated end


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