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Traffic & Roads

Footpath near Dunstable Northern Bypass, Chalton, Houghton Regis / Various Roads in Dunstable, Harlington, Eaton Bray, Totternhoe & Houghton Regis - Temporary Traffic Orders

LU5Published 12/06/24Expired
Luton News & Herald • 

What is happening?





Notice is hereby given that Central Bedfordshire Council have made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any person proceeding on foot or on horseback or lead a horse or cycle along the length of part of public Bridleway No 22, Houghton Regis which extends from Ordnance Survey Grid Reference (OS GR) TL 0185 2573 in a south easterly direction for approximately 700 metres to OS GR TL 0221 2514.

This temporary closure is required to enable construction works to safely take place. The closure is expected to be in place from 16 June to 15 December 2024.

The alternative route for bridleway users whilst this closure is in force will be:

From OS GR TL 0221 2514 proceed in an easterly direction for approximately 270 metres to OS GR TL 0245 2528 then continue in a generally north westerly direction for approximately 560 metres to OS GR TL 0222 2579 then continue along Bridleway No 44, Houghton Regis in a westerly direction for approximately 390 metres to OS GR TL 0185 2573  and vice versa.

Further details, including a map, can also be found on the Council’s website at: The Order will come into operation on 16 June 2024 for a period not exceeding six months or until the works which it is proposed to carry out on or near to the bridleway have been completed, whichever is the earlier. If the works are not completed within six months the Order may be extended for a longer period with the consent of the Secretary of State for Transport.

For further information please contact Lindsay Measures, Tel: 0300 300 4257,




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Central Bedfordshire Council intends not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle, except a vehicle being used for fire, police or ambulance purposes in an emergency, from proceeding along the following lengths of road in Central Bedfordshire.

These temporary closures are required to enable various carriageway repair, patching, investigation, gully, crossing and drainage works to take place and shall apply to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by the appropriate traffic signs. Where possible access will be maintained to property and premises but may be restricted from time to time according to local signing.

The Order will come into operation on 1 July 2024 for a period of eighteen months or until the proposed works have been completed, as detailed above, whichever is the earlier.

It is expected that the first works will take place at some point between 1 July and 11 October 2024. Specific dates and times will be signed locally. The roads will be closed at all times during this period.

The effect of the Order will allow the Council to close to vehicular traffic on the following lengths of road:

i.    Ashcroft, Dunstable between Westfield Road and approximately the boundary of number 23. There is no alternative route for this closure.

ii.   Eyncourt Road, Dunstable at its junction with Lovett Way roundabout. The alternative route for this closure is via Eyncourt Road, Boscombe Road roundabout and vice versa.

iii.  Sundon  Road, Harlington at its junction with Kent Court. The alternative route for this closure is via Station Road, Toddington Road, A5120, B530, B579, Sundon Road, Church Road, Harlington Road and vice versa.

iv.  High Street, Eaton Bray at its junction with The Comp. The alternative route for this closure is via Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray Road, Castle Hill Road, Dunstable Road, Totternhoe Road, B489, Harling Road, Bower Lane and vice versa.

v.   Winfield Street, Dunstable. The alternative route for this closure is via Edward Street, Union Street, High Street North and vice versa.

vi.  Icknield  Street, Dunstable between West Street and Burr Street. The alternative route for this closure is via West Street, A5183, Friars Walk, Bullpond Lane and vice versa.

vii. West Street, Dunstable between Tring Road and Drovers Way. The alternative route for this closure is via B4541, B4540, A5183 and vice versa.

viii. Drury Lane, Houghton Regis. There is no alternative route for this closure. Access will be maintained for residents.

ix.  Woodford Road, Dunstable between Luton Road and Fairfield Road. The alternative route for this closure is via Katherine Drive, Poynters Road, Luton Road and vice versa.

x.   Castle Hill Service Road, Totternhoe. There is no alternative route for this closure.

xi.  Lancot Avenue, Dunstable. There is no alternative route for this closure.

xii. Redhouse Court, Houghton Regis between The Red House and Houghton Hall. There is no alternative route for this closure.

For further information please contact Highways Helpdesk – 0300 300 8049.

DATED 12 June 2024

Gary Powell, Assistant Director, Highways

Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ

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