West Street - Temporary Traffic Prohibition
What is happening?
East Riding of Yorkshire Council has made an Order
the effect of which is to prohibit any person from
causing any vehicle to proceed along part of West
Street, Flamborough from its junction with Water
Lane travelling north for approximately 17 metres to a
property called Coble Inn House between the hours of
09.30 until 15.30 on 5 April 2024.
The reason for the closure is to enable access to
the kiosk for maintenance and repairs works to be
carried out and completed in a manner consistent with
ensuring the safety of the public. It is anticipated that
the works will be completed within six hours.
The alternative routes for traffic affected by the Order
are via Lily Lane, Butlers Lane, West Street,
Bridlington Road and Water Lane.
The road will be closed to all through traffic, but access
will be maintained at all times for residents, emergency
services and pedestrians.
The Order will commence 5 April 2024 and continue
in force for a period not exceeding eighteen months or
until the works which it is proposed to carry out have
been completed, whichever is the earlier.
Further information can be obtained from Streetscene
Services, Highways Customer Care, telephone
(01482) 393939. Ref: PE.
Dated 14 March 2024
Lisa Nicholson
Solicitor • Director of Legal & Democratic Services
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
East Riding of Yorkshire Council will, on request, provide this
document in Braille, audio or large print format.
If English is not your first language and you would like a
translation of this document, telephone (01482) 393939.
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