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Traffic & Roads

Northumberland Way And Washington/Springwell Footpath Closures - Temporary Traffic Regulation Order

NE38 8JJPublished 29/02/24Expired
Sunderland Echo • 

What is happening?


Sunderland City Council gives further notice that on 13th October 2023 it made an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which was to temporarily restrict the speed of vehicles to 30MPH on the A195 Northumberland Way between the Usworth Roundabout and the A194(M) Follingsby Interchange and to prohibit all pedestrians, cyclist and horse riders from the footpaths in the Schedule. The Order was required to allow the temporary access to a new reservoir and pipeline. The order came into force on 23rd October 2023. The maximum duration of the closure under the Order will be six months and it was estimated that the works would take the full six month with the speed limit reduction being in place for 19 days. However due to access constraints and additional surveys to facilitate the construction of a new 1000mm diameter water main, an extension to the duration of the Order in relation to the footpaths in the Schedule below is required to enable completion of the works. Therefore, with the consent of Secretary for State for Transport, the duration of the Order has been extended until 22 May 2025 or until completion of the works, whichever is the earlier. During the extended closure all traffic will be prohibited from the footpaths in the Schedule, until the works are completed or at such times and to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by the display of traffic signs. An exemption for emergency services will be provided. An alternative diversion will be indicated signposted via the adjacent highway network.
SCHEDULE (i) Washington Footpath 10 from its junction with Peareth Hall Road for a distance of approximately 436 metres in north easterly direction, then continues for a further distance of 428 metres in a north westerly direction. (ii) Footpath North of Leisure United Washington from the extended eastern property boundary of Leisure United Washington for a distance of 219 metres in a westerly direction.
Dated 29th February 2024 Patrick Melia, Chief Executive, Sunderland City Council, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA

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