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Traffic & Roads

Thorneyburn Close - Temporary Traffic Regulation

DH4 5HYPublished 15/01/24Expired
Sunderland Echo • 

What is happening?


Sunderland City Council gives notice that on 12th January 2024 it made an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit pedestrians along the footpaths described in the Schedule. The Order is required to locate and replace gas mains in or near the footpaths. The Order will come into operation on 29th January 2024. The maximum duration of the closure under the Order will be 6 months, however it is estimated that the closure will only be in operation for approximately 26 days from commencement of the works. All pedestrians will be prohibited from the above footpaths (except personnel involved in the works and emergency services on duty and attending an emergency call), until the works are completed or at such times and to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by the display of traffic signs. Pedestrian access to affected properties will be maintained throughout. Alternative pedestrian routes will be provided via the adjacent highway network.
Thorneyburn Close Footpath – from the extended western property boundary of no.1 Thorneyburn Close to the extended eastern property boundary of no.4 Thorney Close.
Thorneyburn Close Footpath – from the extended western property boundary of no.27 Thorneyburn Close to the extended western property boundary of no.12 Thorneyburn Close.
Dated 15th January 2024 Patrick Melia, Chief Executive, Sunderland City Council, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland SR1 3AA

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