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Kirkby - Definitive Map Modification Order

HG4 3RTPublished 11/01/24Expired
Harrogate Advertiser • 

What is happening?

Notice of confirmation of a Definitive Map Modification Order,

The North Yorkshire Council, Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, The Former West Riding of Yorkshire Area 2, Definitive Map & Statement, Public Bridleway No. 15.70/13 & Public Footpath No. 15.70/38, Kirkby Malzeard Definitive Map Modification Order. The above-named Order was confirmed on 01/12/23. The effect of the confirmed Order is to modify the Definitive Map by adding a public bridleway from SE 2278 7438 to SE 2279 7431 & downgrading public bridleway to public footpath from SE 2271 7440 to SE 2276 7430 off Back Lane in Kirkby Malzeard. A copy of the confirmed Order & map may be seen free of charge during normal office hours at Main Reception, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AD, North Yorkshire until 22/03/24, & copies may be purchased from Countryside Access Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD (tel: 03001312131) at a cost of £2 or downloaded free from our website If any person aggrieved by the confirmed Order wishes to question its validity on the ground that it is not within the power of Section 53 of the above-named Act, or that any requirement of Schedule 15 of the Act has not been complied with in relation to the Order, he or she may, within 42 days of the date of this Notice, make an application to the High Court under Schedule 15(12) to the Act. Dated: 11/01/24 Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive, Legal & Democratic Services

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