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NP25 4TYPublished 22/12/23Expired
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Cyngor Sir Fynwy Hysbysiad Rheoleiddio Traffig Dros Dro Adran 14 - Deddf Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffordd 1984 Cyngor Sir Fynwy (R90 Hoop Road I Pilstone House A New Mill Road, Gwenffrwd,  Sir Fynwy) Hysbysiad Rheoleiddio Traffig Dros Dro 2023 Hysbysir Drwy Hyn Bod Cyngor Sir Fynwy, Neuadd ySir, y Rhadyr, Brynbuga, NP15 1GA ("y Cyngor") yn bwriadugwneud Gorchymyn yn unol â'r pwerau a roddwyd gan Adran14(1)(a) o Ddeddf Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffyrdd 1984:  1.  Daw’r Gorchymyn i rym ar 8fed Ionawr 2024 a bydd yn parhaui fod mewn grym am gyfnod nad yw'n hwy na 18 mis neu nesbod y gwaith y cynigir ei wneud wedi'i gwblhau, pa un bynnagyw'r cynharaf. Rhagwelir y bydd y gwaith yn cael ei gwblhaurhwng 8fed Ionawr 2024 a’r 6ed Awst 2024. Bydd y gwaith hwn yn cael ei wneud mewn cyfnodau amrywiol, gweler isodam ragor o fanylion am bob cam cau.  2.  Mae angen y Gorchymyn er mwyn caniatáu D.r Cymru i wneud gwaith mewn modd diogel yn y lleoliad. Byddmynediad rhesymol yn cael ei gynnal ar gyfer eiddo sydd arhyd y ffyrdd a effeithir arnynt tra y bydd yr heol ar gau.  3.  Effaith y Gorchymyn fydd cau dros dro ran o’r R90 Hoop Roadi Pilstone House a New Mill Road, Gwenffrwd, Sir Fynwy, a cheir rhagor o fanylion isod am bob cam.  4.  Bydd yna lwybr dargyfeirio ar gyfer pob rhan o’r gwaith a gweler yllwybrau dargyfeirio sydd ym mhwynt 3 o’r hysbysiad.  5.  Gellir enwi'r Gorchymyn hwn fel Gorchymyn Rheoleiddio Traffig Dros Dro Pilstone House a New Mill Road, Gwenffrwd, Sir Fynwy 2023.  6.  Yn sgil Adran 16(1) Deddf Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffordd 1984 bydd person sy'n torri cyfyngiad neu waharddiad a osodir dan Adran 14 y Ddeddf yn euog o drosedd.  Lleoliad yr Heol Sydd I’wChau  Dyddiadau CauSylwch y galldyddiadau newid yndibynnu ar gynnyddy gwaith  LlwybrDargyfeirio .Bydd llwybrdargyfeiriolwedi'i arwyddoyn ei le ar gyferpob un o'rcyfnodau fel aganlyn   RHAN 1 R90 Hoop Road i PilstoneHouse, Gwenffrwd Heol i'w chau o'r gyffordd â Heol Narth am ~2.70km tua'r  08/01/2024 –02/02/2024  A466,Heol Llandogo, HeolBargain Wood, Heol LlandogoB4293 (Heol yrEglwys), B4293                                                                                      (Heol Trefynwy) ac i’r gwrthwyneb.   RHAN 2 R90 Hoop Road i PilstoneHouse, GwenffrwdHeol i'w chau o'r gyffordd â Heol Narth i’r gyffordd gyda New Mill Road  05/02/2024 –06/02/2024  A466,Heol Llandogo, HeolBargain Wood, Heol LlandogoB4293 (Heol yrEglwys), B4293                                                                                      (Heol Trefynwy) ac i’r gwrthwyneb.   RHAN 3 R90 Hoop Road i PilstoneHouse, GwenffrwdHeol i'w chau o'r gyffordd â New Mill Road am~0.60km i gyfeiriad gogledd-orllewinol  07/02/2024 –28/03/2024Bydd yr heolydd yn cau eto ar ydyddiadau isod24/04/24 –28/05/24  A466,Heol Llandogo, HeolBargain Wood, Heol LlandogoB4293 (Heol yrEglwys), B4293                        (Heol Trefynwy) ac i’r gwrthwyneb.   RHAN 4 R90 Hoop Road i PilstoneHouse, Gwenffrwd Heol i'w chau ~2.00km o'r gyffordd gyda'r A466 am~490m i gyfeiriadgogledd-orllewinoll  29/03/2024 –18/04/2024Bydd yr heolydd yn cau eto ar ydyddiadau isod19/04/24 –23/04/24  A466,Heol Llandogo, HeolBargain Wood, Heol LlandogoB4293 (Heol yrEglwys), B4293                        (Heol Trefynwy) ac i’r gwrthwyneb.   RHAN 5 New Mill Road Gwenffrwd Heol i'w chau o'r gyffordd  â R90 Hoop RoadPilstone House am ~345m  10/07/2024 –16/07/2024Bydd yr heolydd yn cau eto ar ydyddiadau isod31/07/24 –06/08/24  New Mill Road, Hoop Road acli’r gwrthwyneb. ,   Dyddiad: 20fed Rhagfyr 2023Mark Hand Pennaeth Creu Lleoedd, Adfywio, Priffyrdd a Llifogydd  Cyngor Sir FynwyBlwch SP 106 Cil-y-coedSir FynwyNP26 9AN  Monmouthshire County Council Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice Section 14 - Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Monmouthshire County Council (R90 Hoop Road To Pilstone House And New Millroad, Whitebrook, Monmouthshire) Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice 2023 Notice Is Hereby Given That Monmouthshire County Council of County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA (“theCouncil”) Intends to make an order pursuant to the powersconferred by Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984  1.  The Order shall come into operation on the 8th January 2024and will continue to be in force for a period not exceeding 18months or until the works which it is proposed to carry out havebeen completed, whichever is the earlier. It is anticipated that the works will be completed between 8th January 2024 and 6thAugust 2024. These works will be carried out in various phases, please see below for more details on each closure phase.  2.  The order is necessary for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water works to take place in a safe manner at the location. Reasonable accesswill be maintained for properties fronting the affected lengths of road during the period of the closure.  3.  The effect of the order will be to temporarily close a section of R90 Hoop Road to Pilstone House and New Mill Road,Whitebrook, Monmouthshire, more details can be found below  on each closure phase.  Location of Closure  PHASE 1  08/01/2024 –  A466, Llandogo  R90 Hoop Road to  02/02/2024  Road, Bargain   Pilstone House                                                 Wood Road,   Whitebrook  Llandogo Road  Road to be closed from  B4293 (Church  its Junction with Narth  Road), B4293  Road for ~2.70km a  (Monmouth  south-easterly  Road) and vice  direction.  versa   PHASE 2  05/02/2024 –  A466, Llandogo  R90 Hoop Road to  09/02/2024  Road, Bargain   Pilstone House                                                 Wood Road,   Whitebrook  Llandogo Road  Road to be closed from  B4293 (Church  its Junction with Narth  Road), B4293  Road to its junction  (Monmouth  with New Mill Road  Road) and vice   versa   PHASE 3  R90 Hoop Road to Pilstone House Whitebrook Road to be closed from its Junction with New Mill Road for ~0.60km a north-westerlydirection  PHASE 4  R90 Hoop Road to Pilstone House Whitebrook Road to be closed 2.00km from its Junction with A466 Mill Road for ~490m in a north-westerlydirection  PHASE 5  New Mill Road, Whitebrook closed from its junction with R90Hoop Road to PilstoneHouse for ~345m  Dates of Closure  Please note dates may be subject tochange dependanton work progress.  07/02/2024 –28/03/2024  This closure will be reintroduced on the below dates  24/04/24 –28/05/24  29/03/2024 –18/04/2024  This closure will be reintroduced on the below dates  19/04/24 –23/04/24  10/07/2024 –16/07/2024  This closure will Llandogo Roadthe below dates  19/04/24.23/04/24  Diversion Route –  A signeddiversionaryroute will be in place for eachof the phases as follows:  A466, Llandogo Road, Bargain         Wood Road, Llandogo RoadB4293 (ChurchRoad), B4293(MonmouthRoad) and vice versa  A466, Llandogo Road, Bargain         Wood Road, Llandogo RoadB4293 (Church  Road), B4293(MonmouthRoad) and vice versa  New Mill Road Hoop Road and vice versa.  4.  A signed diversionary route will be in place for each of the work phases, please see diversion route details above in point3 of this notice.  5.  This order may be cited as the R90 Hoop Road to PilstoneHouse and New Mill Road, Whitebrook, Monmouthshire Temporary Traffic Regulation Order 2023  6.  By virtue of Section 16(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 a person who contravenes a restriction or prohibitionimposed under Section 14 of the Act shall be guilty of an offence. Dated: 20th December 2023  Mark Hand Head of Placemaking, Regeneration, Highways and FloodingMonmouthshire County CouncilPO Box 106 Caldicot Monmouthshire NP26 9AN 

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