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Ceredigion County Council

SA46 0BAPublished 07/12/23
Cambrian News series • 

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Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Hysbysir drwy hyn fod y Cyngor wedi gwneud Gorchymyn Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ( (Llwybr Troed 43/1 Aberaeron) (Gwahardd Traffig Drwodd Dros Dro) 2023 gan wahardd pob gerddwr, rhag mynd ar hyd y darn o hawliau tramwy 
cyhoeddus a adwaenir fel; Llwybr Troed 43/1 Aberaeron 
rhwng SN4523:6264 a SN4538:6285 ble mae’n arwain 
o dan swyddfeydd y Cyngor ym Mhenmorfa. Mae angen 
y gorchymyn er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch y cyhoedd tra 
bod y cynllun amddiffyn yr arfordir yn cael ei wneud yn Aberaeron. Daeth y Gorchymyn i rym ar 4/12/2023 
ac y gall barhau mewn grym am gyfnod heb fod yn 
mwy na 6 mis; gellir ymestyn hyn drwy wneud cais i 
Lywodraeth Cymru. Hysbysir drwy hyn fod y Cyngor wedi gwneud Gorchymyn Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ( (Llwybr Troed 43/20 & 38/9 Aberaeron - Aberarth) (Gwahardd Traffig Drwodd Dros Dro) 2023 gan wahardd pob gerddwr, rhag mynd ar hyd y darn o hawliau tramwy cyhoeddus a adwaenir fel: Llwybr Troed 43/20 & 38/9 Aberaeron - Aberarth rhwng SN4764:6382 a SN4764:6362. Mae angen cau er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch y cyhoedd oherwydd tirlithriad. Bydd y llwybr amgen yw naill ai ar hyd y traeth (ar drai) neu ar hyd y droedffordd ar hyd yr A487. Daeth y Gorchymyn i rym ar 4/12/2023 ac yn barhâi nes bydd y gwaith i adlinio’r llwybr wedi’i gwblhau am gyfnod heb fod yn mwy na 6 mis; gellir ymestyn hyn drwy wneud cais i Lywodraeth Cymru.  Mae’r Cyngor yn bwriadu gwneud Gorchymyn Sir Ceredigion (Stryd y Brenin, Aberystwyth) (Cyfyngiadau Traffig Dros Dro: Gwahardd Traffig Drwodd a Llif y Traffig) 2022, heb fod yn llai na saith niwrnod o 06/12/2023, ar hyd y rhannau hynny o’r briffordd a nodir yn Atodlen 1, 2a a 2b yr Hysbysiad hwn. Cedwir mynediad i gerddwyr. Atodlen 1. Gwahardd Traffig Drwodd Dros Dro: Stryd y Brenin o’i chyffordd â Stryd y Castell, tua’r dwyrain yn gyffredinol am gyfanswm o oddeutu 40 llath hyd at fynedfa breifat. Y trywydd amgen ar gyfer traffig sy’n teithio tua’r dwyrain o Stryd y Castell yw teithio i’r gorllewin ar hyd Stryd y Brenin i’w chyffordd â Rhodfa Newydd. Trowch i’r dde i Rodfa Newydd a theithio i’r dwyrain i’r gyffordd â Heol y Wig a Glan-y-Môr. Cyfanswm pellter o tua 500 llath. Atodlen 2a. Newidiadau Dros Dro i Lif y Traffig: Stryd y Brenin: Llif traffig unffordd yn teithio i’r gorllewin o Stryd y Castell i Rodfa Newydd. Atodlen 2b. Stryd y Brenin: Llif traffig dwyffordd o’r pwynt i’r dwyrain o’r ffordd sydd ar gau i’r gyffordd â Heol y Wig (i gynnal mynediad i gwrt blaen preifat). Bwriedir i’r Gorchymyn ddod i rym ar 20/12/2023 a bydd yn parhau mewn grym hyd nes y bydd y gwaith dymchwel ac adeiladu ar gyfer Prifysgol Aberystwyth wedi’i gwblhau. Bydd hyn yn cymryd tua 10 mis. Gall y Gorchymyn barhau mewn grym am 18 mis.
Ceredigion County Council
Notice is given that the Council have made the Ceredigion County Council (Footpath 43/1 Aberaeron) (Temporary Prohibition of through Traffic) Order 2023 to prohibit any walkers from proceeding along the length of public right of way known as Footpath 43/1 Aberaeron between SN4523:6264 and SN4538:6285 beneath the Council offices in Penmorfa. The alternative route which will be signposted, will head towards the access road into Penmorfa and lead along the paved pathway in between Min y mor and Penyrodyn, then along footways past Wellington Gardens to join with Harbour Lane. The Order is required to ensure public safety whilst the coastal defence scheme is undertaken in Aberaeron. The Order was implemented on 4/12/2023 and may continue in force for a period not exceeding 6 months; this can be extended by applying to the Welsh Government.  Notice is given that the Council have made the Ceredigion County Council (Footpath 43/20 & 38/9 Aberaeron - Aberarth) (Temporary Prohibition of through Traffic) Order 2023 to prohibit any walkers from proceeding along the length of public right of way known as: Footpath 43/20 & 38/9 Aberaeron - Aberarth between SN4764:6382 and SN4764:6362. The closure is necessary to ensure public safety due to a landslide. The alternative route is either via the beach (at low tide) or along the footway alongside the A487. The Order was implemented on 4/12/2023 and will continue until works to realign the path are complete for a period not exceeding 6 months; this can be extended by applying to the Welsh Government.  The Council intends, not less than 7 days from 06/12/2023, to make the Ceredigion County Council King Street, Aberystwyth (Temporary Traffic Restrictions: Prohibition of Through Traffic and Traffic Flow) Order 2023 along and on those lengths of highway as mentioned in Schedule 1, 2a and 2b, of this Notice. Pedestrian access maintained. Schedule 1. Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic: King Street, from its junction with Castle Street heading generally east for a distance of approximately 40 yards to private entrance. The alternative route for eastbound traffic from Castle Street is to travel west along King Street to its junction with New Promenade. Turn right into New Promenade and travel east to its junction Pier Street and Marine Terrace. A total distance of approximately 500 yards. Schedule 2a. Temporary Changes to Traffic Flow: King Street: One-way traffic flow travelling generally west from Castle Street to New Promenade. b. King Street: Two-way traffic flow from the point east of the road closure to the junction with Pier Street (to maintain access to private forecourt). It is intended that the Order will come into force on 20/12/2023 and will remain in place until the demolition and building works for Aberystwyth University are completed. This will take approximately 10 months. The Order may continue in force for 18 months.

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