The County of Cornwall (Antony)
What is happening?
Traffic The County of Cornwall (Antony) (Experimental One-way & Prohibition of Right-turn) Order 2023
Notice Is Hereby Given that on the 31st day of October 2023, Cornwall Council made the above Order under Section 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of this Order is to impose one-way restrictions and an associated right-turn prohibition along the lengths of road detailed below.
The Order will come into force on the 15th day of November 2023 for a period of 18 months.
The reason for proceeding by way of an Experimental Order is to assess the effects of the Order for a trial period, before consideration is given as to whether its provisions should continue in force indefinitely via the making of a permanent Order. A copy of the Order as made and other relevant documentation is available for public inspection during normal office hours at Reception, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY. Alternatively, please telephone 01872 327250 or email to obtain further information. Any person wishing to question the validity of the Order or any provision thereof on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that a requirement of that Act or of any relevant regulations made thereunder has not been complied with may, within six weeks from the 31st day of October 2023, make application for the purpose to the High Court. Any person may object to the Order being made permanent (or make representations about the scheme) by writing to Cormac Solutions Ltd, Radnor Road, Scorrier, Redruth, TR16 5EH, or emailing, stating the grounds on which the objection is made. Alternatively, representations can be made on-line by visiting Once registered, you will be able to submit responses to this and other current traffic consultations. Representations must be received no later than 6 months from (a) the date the order comes into force, or (b) if modified or varied under section 10(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the date the modification or variation comes into force. Please quote reference Infra23-067 on all correspondence. We value your privacy. To find out more information about how we use your data, please visit
One-way Traffic Road from Abbotscourt Lane to Junction South of Trelay (south-west to north.east); Road from School Entrance to Wolsdon Lane (north-west to south-east). Prohibition of Right-turn From Access to Church from Junction South East of School to Road from Abbotscourt Lane to Junction South of Trelay.
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