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Traffic & Roads

Gwynedd County Council

SY20 9JPPublished 05/10/23Expired
Cambrian News series • 

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Deddf Rheoli Trafnidiaeth Ffyrdd 1984 Adran 14(1) Fel Y’i Diwygiwyd Ganddeddf Trafnidiaeth Ffyrdd (Cyfyngiadau Dros Dro) 1991  Gorchymyn Cyngor Gwynedd (Cau Rhannau O’r A487 A’r A493 Ym Mhontarddyfi)  (Gwaharddiad Trafnidiaeth Trwodd Dros Dro) 2023  Rhoddir Drwy Hyn Rybudd fod CyngorGwynedd wedi gwneud Gorchymyn sydd yngwahardd unrhyw berson rhag peri i unrhyw gerbyd fynd mewn unrhyw gyfeiriad ar hyd y darnau hynnyo’r A487 a’r A493 ym Mhontarddyfi o bwynt oddeutu 50 metr i’r gorllewin o Bont ar Ddyfi hyd ar bwyntoddeutu 40 metr i’r dwyrain o Bont ar Ddyfi.  Mae angen y Gorchymyn ar sail iechyd a diogelwch i’r cyhoedd yn ystod gwaith tawelu traffig a gosoddraeniau.  Y ffordd arall, gan gychwyn o bwynt gorllewinol ycaead, yw teithio ar yr A493 heibio Aberdyfi hyd atDywyn. Trowch i’r dde yn y gyffordd gyda Stryd Fawr, Tywyn i barhau ar yr A493 hyd at gylchfan yr A470 yn Nolgellau. Cymerwch yr 2il allanfa i deithio mewncyfeiriad dwyreiniol yna cymerwch yr ail allanfa yngnghylchfan Ffordd Bala i barhau ar yr A470. Dilynwch y ffordd hon hyd at gyffordd Cross Foxes. Trowch i’r dde i deithio ar yr A487 hyd at gyffordd yr A487newydd Pont Ddyfi a throi i’r chwith i deithio hyd at y caead ac i’r gwrthwyneb ar gyfer cerbydau sydd ynteithio i’r cyfeiriad arall. Bydd mynediad ar gael idrigolion.  Daw’r Gorchymyn i rym ar y 15fed o Ionawr, 2024 a bydd yn parhau mewn grym am gyfnod na fydd hwyna un mis neu hyd nes y cwblheir y gwaith y bwriedirei wneud ar y ffordd, pa un bynnag fyddo gyntaf. Ar hyn o bryd disgwylir y gellir cwblhau’r gwaith o fewntua 30 diwrnod.   DYDDIEDIG:  4ydd o Hyrdef, 2023    Iwan G. D. Evans LLB(Anrh) PGCert Dip.L.G.Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol Swyddfa’r Cyngor, Stryd y Jêl, Caernarfon,  Gwynedd.  Am fwy o wybodaeth yngl.n â’r cau ffoniwch yr Ymgeisydd – Alun griffiths Ltd ar 07977 280 470..  Am fwy o wybodaeth yngl.n â’r Gorchymyn ffoniwch y Gwasanaeth Trafnidiaeth a Chefn Gwlad ar (01286) 679437. (CAT-4193) 
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 14(1) As Amended By The Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 The Gwynedd Council (Closure Of Parts Of The A487 And The A493 In Pontarddyfi)  (Temporary Prohibition Of Through Traffic) Order 2023  Notice Is Hereby Given that the GwyneddCouncil have made an Order, the effect of which is to prohibit any person from causing any vehicle to proceed in either direction along those lengths ofA487 and A493 in Pontarddyfi from a point 50 metres west of Pont ar Ddyfi up to a point 40 metres east of Pont ar Ddyfi.  The Order is necessary on health and safety grounds to the public during drainage installation and trafficcalming works.  The alternative route, starting at the westernmostpoint of the closure, is to travel on the A493, passing Aberdyfi, up to Tywyn. Turn right at the junction withthe High Street, Tywyn to continue on the A493 up to the A470 roundabout in Dolgellau. Take the 2nd exit to travel easterly then take the 2nd exit at the Ffordd Bala roundabout to join the A470. Follow this road up to the Cross Foxes junction. Turn right to travel on the A487 up to the junction with the new Pont Ddyfi A487and turn left to travel up to the closure and vice versa for vehicles travelling in the opposite direction.Access will be maintained for residents.  The Order came into effect on the 15th January, 2024 and will continue in force for a period not exceeding one month or until the work which it is proposed to carry out on the road is completed, whichever is the earlier. At this stage it is anticipated that the work will be completed within approximately 30 days.  DATED:  4th October, 2023   Iwan G. D. Evans LLB(Hons) PGCert Dip.L.G.Head of Legal Services Council Offices, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd.  For further information regarding the closure please telephone the Applicant - Alun Griffiths Ltd ar 07977 280 470.  For further information regarding the Order please telephone the Transportation and Countryside Service on (01286) 679437. (CAT-4193 EMH) 

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