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Traffic & Roads

Temporary road restrictions

LS15Published 29/06/23Expired
Yorkshire Post • 

What is happening?

(Staircase Lane, Non-Defnitive Byway, Bramhope, Leeds)
(Temporary Prohibition of Traffc & Use) Order 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that because urgent bridge works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the under mentioned highway(s), Leeds City Council intends in not less than 7 days to make an Order the effect of which will be that: No person shall proceed by vehicle or otherwise along
Staircase Lane Non-Defnitive Byway; from a point north of ‘Fir Tree Coach House Cottage’, southerly to the barn situated at the track leading to Moorlands Farm. A diversionary route for vehicles affected by the closure will be available via:
• Pool Bank New Road, Leeds Road A660
Essential access to and from premises and for emergency vehicles will be maintained.
The Order is intended to come into operation on 6th July 2023
and will remain in force for a period of 6 months, or until the
works are completed. Ref: TC10023
or site contact Chris Hall 0113 780681.

(Public Footpath Horsforth No.41 Leeds)
(Temporary Prohibition of Use) Order 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that because construction works are being executed on or near the under mentioned footpath, Leeds City Council intends (in not less than 7 days) to make an Order, the effect of which will be that:

No Person shall proceed on Horsforth Footpath No. 41, for a distance of approximately 110 metres, from the Gate off A6120 Broadway, to the Style off Fraser Avenue, Horsforth.
DIVERSIONARY ROUTE: A diversionary route for pedestrians
affected by the closure will be available via Horsforth Hall Park.
The Order is intended to come into operation on 6 July 2023 and will remain in force for a period of 6 months. Ref: TC10025, or site contact Jak  Lomas; 0113 5351972.

Section 90c Highways Act 1980
2023/2024 Pedestrian Crossing Scheme Program
Proposed Traffc Calming Measures
Kirkstall Lane, Headingley
Leeds City Council proposes to implement the above highway improvements and is required under Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980, to place at appropriate points on the highway concerned a Notice of their proposals.
The proposal includes the provision of a full road width bituminous speed plateau elevated to a maximum height of 100 millimetres above the carriageway at the following location:
• Kirkstall Lane, Headingley – 20 metres west of its junction
with Langdale Avenue.
A copy of this Notice and individual scheme plans are
available on request by e-mailing
If you wish to object to or make any representations concerning the proposed traffc calming measures, you should write to Mr J Levine, Development Team, Legal Services, Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR, or email, specifying the grounds on
which your objection or representation is made, no later than
12 noon on 20th July 2023.

Surface Dressing Programme (Various Roads, Leeds)
(Temporary Prohibition of Traffc) Order 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the under mentioned highway (surface dressing), Leeds City Council intends (in not less than 7 days) to make an Order, the effect of which will be as follows:- No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to travel along the following locations at any time when coning is
in place: 1. Copley Lane, Aberford between its junction with Lotherton Lane and the North Yorkshire Boundary; 2. Lotherton Lane, Aberford for its full length; 3. Collier Lane, Aberford between its junctions with Great North Road and Lotherton Lane; 4. Leeds Road, Barwick in Elmet between its
junctions with Taylor Lane and Carrfeld Road; 5. Leeds Road, Scholes between its junctions with Taylor Lane and Main Street. The Order is intended to operate between: Monday 10th July 2023 and Monday 31st July 2023. The closure will be in force Monday to Friday 09:30 to 15:30 and Saturday and
Sunday 07:00 to 18:00. All communications with regard to this Notice should be addressed to Highways & Transportation, St George House, 40 Great George Street, LS1 3DL, for the attention of Mr L Monaghan/Mr K Harkis/Ms K Krawczyk or site contact Matt Turnbull 0113 3787450.
Dated this 29th June 2023
Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR

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