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Traffic & Roads

Muir Road, Freuchie - Temporary Road Restrictions

KY15Published 23/06/23Expired
Fife FP • 

What is happening?


On 22/06/2023 Fife Council made an Order under the Road Traffc Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which is as stated in the issue of the Fife Herald
published on 03/03/2023. A copy of the Order, which is operational from
01/07/2023 and a drawing showing the affected roads, may be inspected, without payment of fee, during normal office hours at Fife Council
Headquarters, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes and via public access pc’s at your closest library. The documents will also be available online at Any person wishing to question the validity of the Order or of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffc Regulation Act 1984, or on the grounds that any requirement of that Act, or of any instrument made under it, has not been complied with in relation to the Order, may, within six weeks from 22/06/2023 apply to the Court of Session for the purpose. Any queries regarding this Order should be directed to Traffc Management, Roads & Transportation Service, Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park,
Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6GH or by e-mail to


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