Westfield Road & Centre Lane - Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
What is happening?
Traffic Notices
North Yorkshire Council, TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC, Westfield Road, Eggborough, ORDER 2023 NO 230. We intend to make this Order that will prohibit any vehicle from using Westfield Road, Eggborough (subject to access to premises) between 07/07/23 until 24/08/23 inclusive, due to works. The closure period will be indicated by traffic signs & a local alternative route will be signed on site where appropriate. All enquiries to CRS Plant Tel: 07814541423 or see https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/roadworks-map
(PROHIBITION OF WAITING AND LOADING AND PROVISION OF PARKING) (AMENDMENT NO TBC) ORDER 2023. NOTICE is hereby given that The North Yorkshire Council proposes to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 4(2), 32(1) and 35(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act and under the Traffic Management Act 2004, the effect of which will be to amend “North Yorkshire Council (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) (District of Selby) Consolidation Order 2013” by introducing the restrictions specified in the table below:- Tadcaster, Centre Lane, North East, from junction with A659 to south east for 237m to the junction of New Street. A copy of the draft Order, together with a map showing the roads affected and a statement of the Council's reasons for proposing to make the Order may be inspected at County Hall, Northallerton and at Tadcaster Library, 8 Station Road, Tadcaster, LS24 9JG during normal office hours from 22/06/23 until 28/07/23 and also viewed online at www.northyorks.gov.uk/roadworks-map or www.northyorks.gov.uk/traffic-regulation-orders. If you wish to object to the proposed Order, you should send the grounds for your objection, in writing, addressed to Area 7 Selby Highways Office, Canal Road, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 0AG or by email to Area7.Selby@northyorks.gov.uk or via the website link above by 28/07/23.
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