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Traffic & Roads

Nichollfield Area - Temporary Road Restrictions

EH6Published 22/06/23Expired
The Scotsman • 

What is happening?


The Council has made an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect of which will be that for a temporary period, to facilitate CityFibre ducting works, no person shall: (a) drive or cause or permit any vehicle to be driven on Lindsay Rd, from Bathfield to Nth Fort St; & (b)
except with the permission of a Parking Attendant, cause or permit any vehicle to wait or load onto or unload from any vehicle at any time on (i) Dudley Bank; (ii) Hillhousefield; (iii) Nichollfield; & (iv) Nth Fort St, both sides, from Lindsay Rd to Hawthornbank Place, where prohibitions apply to both
sides of the roads in their entirety unless otherwise stated. The Order shall have effect from 26/6/23 to 1/9/23. The alternative route for vehicular traffic is via Nth Fort St, Ferry Rd, Nth Junction St & Lindsay Rd (A901). Existing restrictions may be suspended on the affected sections of roads described in ((b)

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