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Traffic & Roads

Various Roads Batley and Heckmondwike - Traffic Regulations

WF16Published 22/06/23Expired
Dewsbury Reporter • 

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The Council of the Borough of Kirklees propose to make the above Order under their powers in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which, as it affects lengths of road in the Batley area of the Kirklees district, will be to:

(i) Prohibit the waiting at any time on the following lengths of road:-

1. Asquith Fields, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres north-eastwards

2. Batley Road, Heckmondwike North-west side from a point 19 metres south-west of its junction with White Lee Road a point 12 metres south-west of the projected building line forming the north-eastern boundary of The Crofts

3. Carlinghow Lane, Carlinghow, Batley

a) North side from its junction of White Lee Road to a point 78 metres north-west of the projected centreline of Brighton Close

b) South side from the junction of White Lee Road to a point 60 metres north-west of the projected centreline of Brighton Close

4. Charnwood Bank, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres eastwards

5. Dale Lane, Heckmondwike Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres eastwards

6. Delmont Close, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres north-eastwards

7. Healey Lane, Healey, Batley

a) North-west side from a point 27 metres north-east of its junction with White Lee Road to a point 15 metres north-east of the centreline of the access to Healey Lane Business Centre

b) South-east side from a point 29 metres north-east of its junction with Common Road to a point 15 metres northeast of the extended centreline of the access leading to Healey Lane Business Centre

c) South-east side from the junction of West Park Road to a point 15 metres north-east of the extended centreline of the access leading to Healey Lane Business Centre

8. Leeds Old Road, White Lee, Batley South side from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 3 metres in a south-westerly direction

9. Leeside Road, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road For a distance of 10 metres in a south-westerly direction

10. Oliver Road, Heckmondwike Both sides from its junction with White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres south-westwards

11. Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road For a distance of 30 metres in a north easterly direction

12. Sunny View, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction

13. Tyndale Walk, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres westwards

14. West Park Road, Healey, Batley

a) North-east side from the north-eastern junction of Healey Lane / West Park Road to the north-western building boundary line of 53 West Park Road

b) South-west side from the centreline of the extended junction of Healey Lane travelling north-east to the rear of West Park Road to the north-western building boundary line of 53 West Park Road

15. White Lee Close, White Lee, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres south-westwards

16. White Lee Croft, Batley Both sides from the junction of White Lee Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north-easterly direction

17. White Lee Road, White Lee, Batley

a) East side from the north-west junction of Riding Street for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction

b) East side from the junction of Carlinghow Hill to a point 25 metres north of the extended centreline of Riding Street

c) East side from the junction of Riding Street to the junction of Sunny View

d) East side from the south-west junction of Sunny View for a distance of 13 metres in a southerly direction

e) East side from a point 2 metres north of its junction with the projected centreline of Tyndale Walk for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction

f) East side from a point 16 metres south of the projected centreline of Charnwood Bank to a point 26 metres north-westwards of the junction of Healey Lane

g) North-east side from a point 15 metres north of the projected centreline of Traith Court to a point 15 metres south of the projected centreline of Traith Court

h) North-east side from a point 15 metres north-west of its junction with the projected centreline of White Lee Croft to a point 47 metres south of its junction with the projected centreline of White Lee Croft

i) North-east side from a point 27 metres north-west of the projected centreline of Jail Road to a point 15 metres south-east of the projected centreline of Jail Road

j) North-east side from a point 24 metres north of the projected centreline of Kester Road to a point 20 metres south-west of the projected centreline of Kester Road

k) North-east side from the projected centreline of Asquith Fields for a distance of 15 metres in a north-westerly direction

l) North-east side from the junction of Asquith Fields to the junction of Delmont Close

m) North-east side from the extended south-western kerbline of Delmont Close for a distance of 12 metres in a south-easterly direction

n) North-east side from its junction with Smithies Moor Lane To its junction with Carlinghow Lane

o) South-west side from a point 20 metres from the projected centreline of Leeside Road southwards to a point 20 metres south of the projected centreline of Leeside Road

p) South-west side from a point 15 metres north-west of the projected centreline of White Lee Close to a point 15 metres south-westwards of the projected centreline of White Lee Close

q) South-west side from a point 15 metres north-west of the projected centreline of Oliver Road to a point 15 metres south-east of the projected centreline of Oliver Road

r) South-west side from its junction with the projected south-eastern kerbline of Leeds Old Road for a distance of 14 metres in a south-easterly direction

s) South-west side from the junction of Dale Lane to a point 45 metres north-west of the projected centreline of Delmont Close

t) South-west side from the south-eastern projected boundary of Dale Lane to a point 23 metres south-east of the projected centreline of Dale Lane

u) West side from a point 23 metres north of its junction with the projected centreline of Leefield Road southwards to a point 15 metres south of its junction with the projected centreline of Leefield Road

v) West side from a point 15 metres north-westwards of the projected centreline of Tyndale Walk to a point 15 metres south-eastwards of the projected centreline of Tyndale Walk

w) West side from a point 39 metres southeast of its projected south-eastern kerbline of Leeds Old Road To a point 11 metres south of its junction with the projected centreline of the Fairfield School Car Park access

x) West side from a point 95 metres north of its junction with the projected centreline of Leefield Road for a distance of 46 metres in a southerly direction y) West side from the centreline of Charnwood Bank for a distance of 15 metres northwards

(ii) Introduce no right turn restrictions for all vehicles onto the following lengths of road:

a) From Common Road at its junction with Batley Road– West Park Road, Heckmondwike to West Park Road, Heckmondwike

b) From Batley Road at its junction with Common Road– White Lee Road, Heckmondwike to Common Road, Heckmondwike

(iii) Introduce no left turn restrictions for all vehicles onto the following lengths of road: From Common Road at its junction with Batley Road–West Park Road, Heckmondwike to Batley Road, Heckmondwike


(ii) Revoke items in the Kirklees Council (Traffic Regulation) (Batley Area) (Consolidation) Order 2017 and the Kirklees Council (Traffic Regulation) (No.10) Order 2019, which will be redundant when certain parts of the restrictions referred to above are introduced.

A copy of this draft Order, together with the plan showing the affected lengths of road and a detailed statement of reasons for proposing the Order may be inspected at:-

• Online:

• By emailing

• Kirklees Council Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre 3, Huddersfield HD1 2YZ

If you wish to object to the proposed Order, you should send the grounds for your objection to:

• by email:; or

• by post to Harry Garland, Kirklees Council Legal Services, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield HD1 9EL

Objections must be sent no later than 20 July 2023, and please ensure you quote reference DEV/HG/D116-2312 Dated this 22 June 2023

Julie Muscroft – Service Director – Legal, Governance and Commissioning, Kirklees Council, Legal Services, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL



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