White Lee Road, Heckmondwike - Traffic Calming Measures
What is happening?
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kirklees Council propose to introduce the following traffic calming features on White Lee Road, Heckmondwike. These will be flat in profile with a maximum height of 75mm, maximum 6 metres long top with 1.5m ramps at 1:15 gradient running kerb to kerb:
Feature 1 – Single plateau centreline of hump 64.4 metres north of the projected centreline of Riding Street
Feature 2 – Single plateau centreline of hump 21.6m north of projected centreline of Delmont Close These will be flat in profile with a maximum height of 75mm, maximum 6 metres long top with 1.5m ramps at 1:15 gradient with tapered sides:
Feature 3 – Single plateau centreline of hump 29.3 metres south of projected centreline of Sunny View
Feature 4 - Single plateau centreline of hump 36.6 metres north of projected centreline of White Lee Close
Feature 5 – Single plateau centreline of hump 52.3 metres south of projected centreline of White Lee Croft
Feature 6 – Single plateau centreline of hump 144.9 metres south of projected centreline of White Lee Croft
Feature 7 - Single plateau centreline of hump 14.1 metres north of projected centreline of Jail Road
Feature 8 - Single plateau centreline of hump 12.15 metres south of projected centreline of Kester Road
Feature 9 - Single plateau centreline of hump 23.25 metres south of projected centreline of Tyndale Walk
Feature 10 – Single plateau centreline of hump 18.8 metres north of projected centreline of Charnwood Bank
A copy of the plans showing the locations (and precise dimensions) of the proposed installations, along with a statement of reasons for proposing these measures, may be inspected at:-
• Online: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/trafficregulation
• By emailing highways.TRO@kirklees.gov.uk
• Kirklees Council Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre 3, Huddersfield HD1 2YZ (during normal opening hours)
If you wish to object to these proposed measures, you should send the grounds for your objection to:
• by email: TRO.Objections@kirklees.gov.uk; or
• by post to Harry Garland, Kirklees Council Legal Services, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield HD1 9EL
Objections must be sent no later than 20 July 2023, and please ensure you quote reference DEV/HG/D126-226 Dated this 22 June 2023
Julie Muscroft – Service Director – Legal, Governance and Commissioning, Kirklees Council, Legal Services, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
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