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Traffic & Roads

Bramhope School Expansion Scheme - Speed Limit and No Waiting Order

LS13Published 22/06/23Expired
Yorkshire Post • 

What is happening?

(Traffic Regulation) (Waiting Restriction) (No.46)Traffic 
 Order 2014 Amendment (No.2) Order 2023 and
Bramhope School Expansion Scheme (Speed Limit)
(No.12) Order 2023
Leeds City Council proposes to make the above Orders under
its powers contained in the Road Traffc Regulation Act 1984
the effect of which will be to introduce:-
1. No Waiting At Any Time on Breary Lane, Bramhope, both
sides, from a point 6 metres east of its junction with the
projected eastern kerb line of Tredgold Garth in a westerly
direction for a distance of 15 metres; Breary Lane, Bramhope
the south-west side, from a point 16.5 metres south east of
its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line
of Breary Rise in a north westerly direction for a distance of
31.5; Breary Lane, Bramhope, the south-west side, from its
junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of
Parklands Gate in a south easterly direction for a distance of
20 metres; Breary Rise, Bramhope, both sides, from its
junction with the projected south western kerb line of Breary
Lane in a south westerly direction for a distance of 7.5 metres;
Long Meadows, Bramhope, the west side, from its junction
with the projected southern kerb line of School Green in a
southerly direction for a distance of 10 metres; Parklands
Gate, Bramhope, both sides, from its junction with the
projected south western kerb line of Breary Lane in a south
westerly direction for a distance of 15 metres; School Green,
Bramhope, both sides, from its junction with the projected
western kerb line of Tredgold Crescent in a westerly direction
for a distance of 10 metres; Tredgold Avenue, Bramhope, both
sides, from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb
line of Tredgold Crescent in a south easterly direction for a
distance of 15.5 metres; Tredgold Avenue, Bramhope, the
south-east side, from its junction with the projected south
western kerb line of Wynmore Avenue in a north easterly
direction for a distance of 27 metres; Tredgold Crescent,
Bramhope, the north-west side, from its junction with the
projected south western kerb line of the Medical Centre
Access Road in a south westerly direction for a distance of
16  metres; Tredgold Crescent, Bramhope, the south-east
side, from a point 10.5 metres north east of its junction with
the projected north eastern kerb line of Tredgold Avenue in a
south westerly direction for a distance of 26.5 metres;
Tredgold Crescent, Bramhope, the west side, from its junction
with the projected northern kerb line of School Green in a
northerly direction for a distance of 11 metres; Tredgold
Garth, Bramhope, both sides, from its junction with the
projected southern kerb line of Breary Lane in a southerly
direction for a distance of 18 metres; Wynmore Avenue,
Bramhope, both sides, from its junction with the projected
south eastern kerb line of Tredgold Avenue in a south easterly
direction for a distance of 13 metres.
2. 30 MPH Speed Limit on Leeds Road, Bramhope, From
a  point 169 metres south east from its junction with The
Birches to a point 50 metres north west of its junction with
Church Hill in a north westerly direction.
3. 40 MPH Speed Limit on Leeds Road, Bramhope, from a
point 539 metres north west of its junction with Old Pool Bank
in a south easterly direction to a point 50 metres north west
of its junction with Church Hill.
4. The revocation of existing items as identifed in the draft
Order Schedules.
Full details of the proposals in the form of draft Orders
together with plans showing the affected lengths of highway
and statement of reasons for making the Orders are available
on request by e-mailing
If you wish to object to, or make any representations
concerning the proposed Orders, you should write to
Development Team, Legal Services, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR
or e-mail specifying the
grounds on which your objection or representation is made, by
no later than 13th July 2023.
(Traffc Regulation) (Waiting Restriction) (No.19)
Order 2015
Pudsey Ward Consolidation Order
Amendment No.1 2023
Leeds City Council proposes to make the above Order under
its powers contained in the Road Traffc Regulation Act 1984
the effect of which will be to introduce No Waiting at any
time: -
1. Swinnow Green, Pudsey – the north-east side – From its
junction with the projected north western kerb line of Swinnow
Road in a north westerly direction for a distance of
14.5 metres
2. Swinnow Green, Pudsey – the south-west side – From its
junction with the projected north western kerb line of Swinnow
Road in a north westerly direction for a distance of 82 metres
3. Swinnow Road, Swinnow - the north-west side – From a
point 8.5 metres north east of its junction with the projected
north eastern kerb line of Swinnow Green in a south westerly
direction for a distance of 25.5 metres
4. Swinnow Road, Swinnow – the south-east side – From a
point 10 metres north east of its junction with the projected
north eastern kerb line of Britannia Court in a south westerly
direction for a distance of 121 metres
5. The revocation of existing items as identifed in the draft
Order Schedules.
Full details of the proposals in the form of draft Orders
together with plans showing the affected lengths of highway
and statement of reasons for making the Orders are available
on request by e-mailing
If you wish to object to, or make any representations
concerning the proposed Orders, you should write to
Development Team, Legal Services, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR
or email specifying the grounds on
which your objection or representation is made, by no later
than 13th July 2023.
Dated: 22nd June 2023
Leeds City Council Civic Hall Leeds LS1 1UR

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