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Traffic & Roads

Kingston, Multiple Temporary Road Traffic Regulations Due To Improvment Scheme

KT1Published 08/06/23Expired
South West London • 

What is happening?



1. The Council of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames hereby gives notice that in order to facilitate a Transport for London improvement scheme and because these works are being executed on or near the carriageway it intends to make an Order the effect of which is summarised in paragraph 3 below.

2. The Order will come into effect on Monday 3rd July 2023 and the Order will remain in force for 18 months.

3. When the works are taking place and the appropriate traffic signs are displayed the Order will temporarily introduce and or suspend prohibition of vehicular traffic, waiting and loading restrictions, including waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or for loading or unloading a vehicle 'at any time' in those areas of parking and loading bays and where any single yellow line restrictions exist in certain lengths of road

• Ashdown Road, Kingston

• Birkenhead Avenue, Kingston

• Cromwell Road, Kingston

• Kingsgate Road, Kingston

• Sopwith Way, Kingston

• Sury Basin, Kingston

• Wood Street, Kingston

4. The prohibitions specified above apply only during such times and to such extent as indicated by traffic signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Dated: 05 June 2023

JAYNE DANDO, Corporate Head of Highways & Transport

How long will it take?

Planned start


Estimated end


Need to publish a public notice?

If you need to publish a public notice, please contact South West London directly at:

01268 522792

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