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Traffic & Roads

Bro Mancho, Temporary Footpath Closure

LL25 0HXPublished 31/05/23Expired
Rhyl Journal • 

What is happening?


ADRAN 1 H Gorchvmvn Cvnaor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwv (Llwvbr Troed 5 Bro Machnol (Gwaharddiad Pros Pro ar Gerddwvrl 2023

RHODPIR RHYBUDD fod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy wedl gwneud Gorchymyn sydd S'r effaith o wahardd unrhyw gerddwr rhag mynd ar hyd y rhan honno o Iwybr cyhoeddus 5 yng nghymuned Bro Machno sy'n dechrau o'r Ion goedwig I'r de-ddwyrain o Dan-yr-allt yng nghyfeirnod grid SH7977 5390 ac yn mynd i'r de-orllewin drwy'r coed cyn dod i ben ar y Ion goedwig i'r gogledd o Fedw Deg yng nghyfeirnod grid SH7908 5347

Mae angen y Gorchymyn er diogelwch y cyhoedd yn ystod gwaith cynaeafu ac fe ddaw i rym ar 5 Mehefin 2023. Rhagwelir y bydd y llwybr troed ar gau nes cwblheir y gwaith y bwriedir ei wneud, yn amodol ar uchafswm o 6 mis.

Dyddiedig: 31 Mai 2023

Ceri Williams, Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol

ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 SECTION 14H1 Conwv County Borough Council (Footpath 5 Bro Machno) (Temporary Prohibition of Pedestrians! Order 2023

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Conwy County Borough Council has made an Order, the effect of which is to prohibit any pedestrian to proceed in that section of public footpath 5 in the community of Bro Machno commencing from the forest track south east of Tan-yr-allt at grid reference SH7977 5390 and proceeding in a south westerly direction through forest plantation to terminate on the forest track north of Fedw Deg at grid reference SH7908 5347.

The Order is necessary for public safety during harvesting operations and will come into effect on 5 June 2023. It is anticipated that the footpath will be closed until the works which it is proposed to carry out have been completed, subject to a maximum period of 6 months.

Dated: 31 May 2023

Ceri Williams, Legal Services Manager

How long will it take?

Planned start


Estimated end


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