Ceredigion County Council Commins Coch Speed Restriction
What is happening?
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
HYSBYSIR drwy hyn fod y Cyngor yn gwneud Gorchymyn Cyngor Sir Ceredigion (C1007 a C1010 Comins Coch) (Cyfyngiad Cyflymder Dros Dro o 50mya) 2023 ar y priffyrdd canlynol.
Rhestr o’r Cyfyngiadau: Y C1007 o’r gyffordd â’r A487T yn gyffredinol i’r de-orllewin hyd at y terfyn cyflymder presennol o 30mya, pellter o tua 51 metr, a’r C1010 o’r gyffordd â’r A487T yn gyffredinol i’r gogledd-ddwyrain am bellter o 35 metr, Comins Coch. Cyflwynir y Gorchymyn ar sail diogelwch ar y ffordd.
Daeth y Gorchymyn i rym ar 22/05/2023 a gall barhau mewn grym am 18 mis.
Ceredigion County Council
NOTICE is given that the Council have made the Ceredigion County Council (C1007 and C1010 Comins Coch) (Temporary 50mph Speed Restriction) Order 2023 on the following highways.
Schedule of Restrictions: The C1007 from its junction with the A487T generally South-West to the existing 30mph speed limit terminals, a distance of approximately 51 metres and the C1010 from its junction with the A487T generally North-East for a distance of 35 metres, Comins Coch. The Order is introduced on the grounds of road safety The Order was implemented on the 22/05/2023 and may remain in force for 18 months.
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