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Traffic & Roads

Blackrod, Temporary Closure Of Footpaths

BL6 6PGPublished 29/05/23Expired
Bolton News • 

What is happening?


The Borough Council of Bolton intends to make an Order not less than seven days from the date of this Notice.

The effect which will Be Operative From 29th May 2023 and will prohibit all pedestrian traffic from using Public Footpaths Blackrod 015 and Horwich 179 commencing from point A at grid reference SD 63598 10617 in a generally south east by east direction to point B at grid reference SD 64119 10167; as shown by the bold black line on the Order plan 1Bla015/011/010Hor179/105 over a total distance of approximately 652 metres.

Public Footpath Horwich 105 commencing from Mansell Way point C at grid reference SD 64305 10369 in a generally southwest direction to point B at grid reference SD 64119 10167; as shown by the bold black line on the Order plan 1Bla015/011/010Hor179/105 over a total distance of approximately 280 metres.

Public Footpath Bla011 commencing from point B at grid reference SD 64119 10167 in a generally south direction to point D at grid reference SD 64191 09723; as shown by the bold black line on the Order plan 1 Bla015/011/010Hor179/105 over a total distance of approximately 487 metres..

Public Footpath Bla010 commencing from Aspinall Way point F at grid reference SD 64229 09752 in a generally southwest by south direction to point E at grid reference SD 64109 09587; as shown by the bold black line on the Order plan 1Bla015/011/010Hor179/105 over a total distance of approximately 210 metres.

Alternative routes are available commencing from point E at grid reference SD 64109 09587 then Bol288, Bol509, Arena Approach, Burnden Way, Aspinall Way, Mansell Way point C at grid reference SD 64305 10369 and commencing from point A at grid reference SD 63598 10617 then Bla 15, Bla 13, Bla 20, Bla 12, Bla 06, Bla 05, Bla 07, Bla 08 point E at grid reference SD 64109 09587.

The Order is necessary to facilitate the construction of an estate road and will continue for a period of 6 months or until the works are completed whichever is the earlier.

Dated: 16th May 2023 LS/AAB/089520

Jon Dyson, Director of Place, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU

How long will it take?

Planned start


Estimated end


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01925 596444

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