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Traffic & Roads

Public Footpath No.12 Staveley - Temporary Public Footpath Closure

S43 3FLPublished 04/05/23Expired
Derbyshire Times • 

What is happening?


WHEN: 1st May 2023 to 20th October 2023
WHERE: Close Public Footpath No.12 for the whole length of the footbridge.
REASON: To facilitate public safety due to damage to the footbridge.
ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: From the South at the junction of footpath No.1 and footpath No.12 walk Northeast along footpath No.1 for 240m. Turn West onto Footpath No.11 and follow this for 200m where it will meet Footpath No.12. Vice versa from the North.
Access will be maintained, whenever reasonably possible, on the affected length of footpath. The footpath will re-open as soon as the work is finished. This may be earlier than advertised.
Derbyshire County Council apologises for any inconvenience caused while work takes place. Anyone needing further information should ring Call Derbyshire 01629 533190.
The County Council has made an Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) to prohibit its use by traffic.
Chris Henning, Executive Director –
Place, County Hall, MATLOCK, DE4 3AG.

How long will it take?

Planned start


Estimated end


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