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Traffic & Roads

Footpath Closure Extension - Matlock Bridge

DE4 3ATPublished 29/12/22Expired
Derbyshire Times • 

What is happening?

Footpath Closure Extension - Matlock Bridge

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Order made by Derbyshire County Council on 21st July 2022 under Section 14 of The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) the effect of which was to close Public Footpath No.105 for approximately 700 metres from the A6/A615 roundabout to Matlock Bridge, has been further continued.
The alternative route is the footway alongside Derwent Way and cutting between the train station car park and bus station, walking around the south of the bus station.
The Public Footpath will be closed until 31st March 2023 or until the works are completed, whichever is the sooner, to facilitate public and workforce safety during the construction phase of a retaining wall.
Derbyshire County Council apologise for any inconvenience caused during the duration of the closure. Any member of the public requiring further information should ring Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.
Chris Henning, Executive Director – Place, County Hall, MATLOCK DE4 3AG.

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