Whitchurch, Temporary Prohibition of Use of Footpaths
What is happening?
Shropshire Council
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 14
Temporary Prohibition of Use of Footpaths 45, 46 & 47
Whitchurch (Mile Bank Road)
Shropshire Council hereby gives notice under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 that the order temporarily prohibiting the use of that part of Footpath 46 in Whitchurch where it leaves Mile Bank Road at SJ 5522 4309 and enters a former dairy factory site running south easterly for 75 metres to SJ 5526 4303 to meet FP 45 which continues south westerly for 430 metres to SJ 5516 4263 at junction with FP 50. Also, FP 47 which leaves FP 45 to run north
easterly for 250 metres to the junction with BW 51 and FP 48 at SJ 5546 3419 will continue in force until the 30th October 2024 or until the completion of the works, whichever is the earlier.
An alternative route is available off Mile Bank Road at SJ 5538 4327
using BW 51 & FP 50 just south of the site.
30th October 2022
Further information about the closure please contact
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