Mrs Christine Sheila Stannard formerly known as Christine Sheila Venneear (Deceased)
What is happening?
The Trustee Act 1925
Mrs Christine Sheila Stannard Deceased formerly known as Christine Sheila Venneear
Any person having a claim against or an interest in the estate of the above named deceased late of on Sea, East Sussex who died on 12 May 2024 must please send particulars in writing to the undermentioned Solicitors for the Executors on or before 16 August 2024 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests then notified.
Gaby Hardwicke
Solicitors for the Executor
Reference: EMH.SWB.STA126126.003
2 Eversley Road
Bexhill on Sea
East Sussex TN40 1EY Tel: 01424 735000
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