Mid Sussex - Planning Application For Listed Buildings And Conservation Area
What is planned?
Mid Sussex District Council
Planning( Listed Buildings And Conservation Area) Act1990
NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the Council has received applications for:
DM/25/0176 - Installation of an emergency standby generator to provide undisrupted power during frequent (localised) power outages. To be positioned on an external structural concrete base. Worth School, Paddock hurst Road, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4SD
Being applications affecting the Setting of a Listed Building
Town and country planning (Development Management procedure) (England) Order 2015- Noticeunderarticle15
DM/25/0014- Outline planning application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 200 dwellings, and associated infrastructure including new access points off of Turners Hill Road with associated spine roads and car and cycle parking; the provision of open space and associated play facilities; utilities infrastructure, surface water drainage features, and associated features, on land west of Turners Hill Road and south of Huntsland, Crawley Down, West Sussex. Land West of Turners Hill Road& South of Huntsland, Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down, West Sussex
DM/25/0015- Outline planning application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 200 dwellings, and associated infrastructure including new access points off of Turners Hill Road with associated spine roads and car and cycle parking; the provision of open space and associated play facilities; utilities infrastructure, surface water drainage features, and associated features, on land west of Turners Hill Road and south of Hunts land, Crawley Down, West Sussex. Land West of Turners Hill Road& South of Huntsland, Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down, West Sussex
DM/25/0016- Outline planning application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 150 dwellings, a 65 bed care home, and community facility, and associated infrastructure including new access points off of Wychwood with associated spine road and car and cycle parking, together with provision of open space, play facilities, utilities infrastructure, surface water drainage features, and associated works. Land West of Turners Hill Road and North of Huntsland, Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down, West Sussex
DM/25/0017- Outline planning application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 150 dwellings, a 65 bed care home, and community facility, and associated infrastructure including new access points off of Wychwood with associated spine road and car and cycle parking, together with provision of open space, play facilities, utilities infrastructure, surface water drainage features, and associated works. Land West of Turners Hill Road and North of Huntsland, Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down, West Sussex
Being a 'major' development which is also a departure from the Development Plan for the area in which the land is Situated
These applications can be viewed on the Online Planning Register. To access the Online Planning Register, please use the following link: http://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/onlineapplications/
Any representations in respect of the following applications must be submitted to me in writing by 7thMarch2025.
Ann Biggs, Assistant Director Planning & Sustainable Economy, Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath RH161SS.
Dated: 14thFebruary2025.
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