Meadsway - Planning Application Conservation Area
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area)
Act 1990
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted to the planning authority for consideration.
Slindon Parish Council
Case No: SDNP/24/04730/HOUS Applicant Name: Ms Jane Gerates
Proposal: Partial demolition of single storey element. Proposed 2 storey side and rear extension, with internal alterations to provide an accessible bathroom. AT 1 Meadsway, Slindon, West Sussex, BN18 0QU
Reason for advert: Conservation Area
Related documents may be viewed and commented on at:
Deadline for comments: 11 December 2024
MIKE HUGHES, Interim Director of Planning, South Downs National Park Authority
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