South Staffordshire - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990: Sections 67 and 73.
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015: Art. 15
24/00923/FULM - Construction of steel portal framed livestock (dairy cow housing) building at Wolgarston Farm, Cannock Road, Penkridge, STAFFORD, ST19 5RY. (Major Development)
24/00892/FUL - Replacement administration building for the Himley Hall Sailing Club which was destroyed by fire at Himley Hall, Himley Road, Himley, DUDLEY, DY3 4DF. (Listed Building within Conservation Area)
24/00728/FULM - FULL application for a prestige car facility encompassing storage together with conversion of traditional farm buildings for office, maintenance and valet at Lapley Wood Farm, Lapley Wood, Stretton Road,
Wheaton Aston, ST19 9ND. (Major Development)
24/00969/FUL - The Installation of three biomass boilers and associated flues to provide heating to the buildings at Unit 5 Bradford Estate Office, Weston Bank, Watling Street, Weston Under Lizard, SHIFNAL. (Within
a Conservation Area)
24/00937/FULHH - Proposed Home Office in Existing Garage Roof Space at Church Farm, Old Coach Road, Bishops Wood, STAFFORD, ST19 9AD. (Affects Public Right of Way)
24/00971/FULHH - Installation of 3 no. conservation style roof lights to the rear facing roof at 7 Admiral Rodney Gardens, Brewood, STAFFORD, ST19 9FA. (Within a Conservation Area)
24/00902/OUTM - Outline planning permission for up to 39 dwellings including access details and all other matters reserved at Pear Tree Farm, Stafford Road, Huntington, CANNOCK, WS12 4PE. (Major Development)
24/00951/FULM - Erection of a 60 MW Battery Storage System with access point, boundary fencing, access track, landscaping, and other associated infrastructure at Proposed Battery Storage Facility, Flash Lane, Orton.
(Major Development)
Application details can be viewed online via Representations due by 11 December 2024 can be submitted online using the previous link or emailed to
All representations will be made publicly available.
In the event of an appeal that proceeds by way of the expedited procedure, any representations made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.
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