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Wellesbourne Road, Clinton Lane, Heath Terrace, Regent Street, Warwick Street, Bridge End - Various Planning Applications

CV35 8ELPublished 15/11/24Expired
Warwickshire World • 

What is planned?

ACT 1990 - SECTIONS 67 AND 73

Comments or representations can be made online,
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or sent to the address below within 14 days of this
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on the Council’s website.
Date: 15/11/2024
Warwick District Council, Development Services,
Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, CV32 5QH Tel: (01926) 456536
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Warwick
District Council for Listed Building Consent or Conservation Area Consent
and/or planning permission in respect of applications scheduled below.
W/24/1264 26 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL: Variation of
Condition 2 [approved plans] of approved application ref W/22/0483 - addition
of first-floor and second-floor windows in the northern side elevation, addition
of velux windows to principle roof slope. for Mr and Mrs Aujla.
W/24/1452/LB 109 Clinton Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 1AY: Removal of concrete
plinth to front elevation, reinstate green oak sole plate & timber frame repairs
to posts, rebuild plinth wall below sole plate, replace perished facing bricks to
internal fire surround, remove pebble dashed render at low level to gable end
wall and make good. for Ms C Hawkes.
W/24/1406 15 Heath Terrace, Leamington Spa, CV32 5NA: Installation of solar
panels on the western roof of the application property for Mr Peter Nicholas.
W/24/1412 Flat 1, Hanover House, 2-8 Kenilworth Street, Leamington Spa,
CV32 4QS: Change of a rear window to an external door and the addition of a
high level rear window for Mr David Jackson.
W/24/1456 91-93 Regent Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 4NT: Change of use
from bank to flexible use within Use Class E. for Gail’s Ltd.
W/24/1494 47-49 Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5JR: Proposed
installation of new door in replacement of existing window. Installation of new
gate. for Lutry Properties Ltd.
W/24/1353/LB 52 Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB: Installation of flood
defenses, installation of secondary glazing to the six casement windows and
installation of a garden pergola for S Ray.
W/24/1487 52 Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB: Installation of flood defenses,
installing secondary glazing to the 6 windows at the front of the property and
installing a garden pergola for Mr S Ray.
(Development Management Procedure)(England) Order 2010 Notice under Article 13)
[IMD] Major Development [ARW] Development Affecting Public Right of Way
[CDP] Departure from Development
[SEA] Application Requiring Plan Environmental Assessment
[OD] Other Development [PBI] In the Public Interest
W/24/1093 The provision of a 70 bed care home as enabling development
to support the future of Leamington and County Golf Club; provision of a golf
academy and demolition of former green keepers Storage Building,
new access to Golf Lane, connection to surface water sewer and SuDS Pond
with connection to Water Storage Tank (for irrigation). at Leamington and County
Golf Course, Golf Lane, Whitnash, Leamington Spa, CV31 2QA for Morrison
Community Care (Leamington Spa) Propco Limited AND Leamington and
Count. [IMD] [ARW].

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