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Portsmouth - Multiple Planning Notices

PO1 3HWPublished 15/11/24
The News • 

What is planned?


The following applications requiring statutory advertisement have been received by the City Council. The codes below indicate the reasons for advertising the applications.

C - Within Conservation Area
M - Major Development
D - Departure from Development Plan
L - Listed Building

61 Queen Street [C L]
Replacement of existing upvc windows with timber sliding sash windows (24/01243/FUL & 24/01244/LBC)
Eastney Community Centre Bransbury Park Bransbury Road Southsea [D M]
Construction of part single part two storey building to form Leisure Centre and GP surgery (Classes E and F2); including detached changing block, realignment, and alterations to existing pitches, play area, landscaping, and parking. RE-CONSULTATION DUE TO AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy ENV1 of the Milton Neighbourhood Plan (2022) (24/00259/FUL)
Buckingham House 11 High Street [C L]
Change of use from hotel (Class C1) to 6-bed dwellinghouse (Class C3) (24/01222/FUL)

You can view and comment on these and other applications online at - Representations should be made to Planning and Economic Growth at the Civic Offices or by e-mail ( by 6th December 2024.

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