Laurel suite of Corrs Corner Hotel, 315 Ballyclare Road - Public Consultation
What is planned?
Public Notice
MCL Consulting shall be holding a meeting in which any members of the public may attend and give their views on the following planning proposal; “Proposed extension of existing hard rock quarry and inert landfill on previously worked lands approximately 200m south west of existing quarry/landfill (approved by U/2014/0096/F). Proposed site operations involve quarrying of bedrock (including blasting) to a maximum depth of 260mOD and concurrent landfilling of void space created by the quarrying with inert wastes, and associated activities, with land restoration to create a sympathetic final profile across the wider site including realignment of haul roads, new site office/welfare facilities, drainage control measures and environmental monitoring systems at Hightown Quarry and Landfill, 38 Upper Hightown Road, Newtownabbey, BT 14 8RR”. Please note this site is in no way related to the nearby arc21 proposal.
This meeting shall be held in the Willow suite of Corrs Corner Hotel, 315 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4QT
on 26th November 2024 from 12pm–2pm and 6pm-8pm.
For further information or to give any thoughts on the proposal please contact MCL Consulting on 02890747766, or email Written comments may be sent to Unit 5, 48 North, Duncrue Street, BT3 9BJ.
Please note that any comments made to MCL Consulting at this stage are not representations to the council. Upon submission of the planning application, members of the public shall then be free to make representations to the council about the submitted application.