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Bank End Road, Gunhills Lane, Main Street, Bawtry Road, Castle Close, Towngate - Various Planning Applications

DN9 3NTPublished 14/11/24Expired
The Star • 

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Notice is given of applications made to the Council for planning permission.
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to the offices of Development and Planning until 06/12/2024 for all items, unless
otherwise stated.
(Please Note: If one or more public holidays fall within the period for which
consultations/comments are invited one or more extra days will be added to
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Planning Authority.
Major Development
Land At Grange Quarry Bank End Road Finningley - Change of use of land to
recreation and tourism including 100 caravan compliant lodges, associated
infrastructure and creation of fishing lakes. 24/00909/FULM (DCSB)
Land East Of Gunhills Lane Industrial Estate Gunhills Lane Armthorpe - Erection
of 19 business units for Use Classes B2 and B8. 24/01841/FULM (DCEC)
Fishing Ponds Woodhouse Grange Bawtry Road Hatfield Woodhouse - Variation
of condition 5 (use) of previous planning permission granted under reference
22/02004/FULM on 02.01.2024 (Change of use of land for siting of 20 holiday
caravans located around existing fishing lake, including formation of associated
parking spaces). 24/01923/FULM (DCPB)
Major Development and Departure from the Development Plan
Land Adjacent To Saviours Church Main Street Auckley - Erection of 12 homes
(Resubmission of application number 23/00367/FULM). 24/01922/FULM (DCPB)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area
Part Ground And First Floor The Stable Main Street Sprotbrough - Replace
existing roof covering with new materials to match existing, all existing RWG, soffits,
fascia’s and flashings with new to match existing, 1no. window at first floor level with
new to match existing in size, profile and colour, and repoint existing stone work
where the existing has failed with new to match the existing in colour and pointing
style 24/01897/FUL (DCMT)
Castle Green Barn Castle Close Tickhill - Minor amendments and modifications to
the kitchen extension to the rear including replacement of windows and doors and
conversion of roof 24/01975/FUL (DCNW)
First Floor 26 - 27 High Street Doncaster - Formation of a new access opening
and the installation of a new external walkway/stairs to the rear of the property.
24/01931/FUL (DCSRD)
South Farm House Old Skellow Skellow - Replacement of roof, rainwater goods
and soil pipes 24/01972/FUL (DCCMJ)
The Barn 7 Towngate Bawtry - Erection of a first storey extension to rear of
dwelling 24/01961/FUL (DCNW)
Listed Building Consent
Doncaster Railway Station Trafford Way Doncaster - Listed Building Consent for
the installation of the 2no. new passenger help points including cable management
24/01963/LBC (ENVPL)
South Farm House Old Skellow Skellow - Listed Building Consent for replacement
of roof, rainwater goods and soil pipes 24/01973/LBC (DCCMJ)
The Dutch House Wharf Street Bawtry - Listed Building Consent for the
replacement of three single glazed wooden segmented sash windows and
wooden lintels 24/01626/LBC (ENVDAH)

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