Land East Of Chichester, West Of Drayton Lane - Application For The Construction Of Up To 370 No. Dwellings
What is planned?
Application: O/24/02401/OUTEIA
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(England and Wales) Regulations 2017
Outline application with all matters reserved (except for access) for the construction of up to 370 no. dwellings, specialist accommodation for older persons, plots for self/custom build, neighbourhood centre including community uses, employment, retail and primary school (including early years and special educational needs and disability facilities), open space and green infrastructure provision, play areas and associated landscaping, internal roads, parking, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities and other infrastructure and new access arrangements.
Land East Of Chichester, West Of Drayton Lane (B2144), Oving, West Sussex
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL has received the above planning application.
Copies of the following are available for public inspection at Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY, between the hours of 09.00am and 16.00pm Monday to Friday. Documents can be viewed online by visiting the Council’s web site
1) The application
2) The plans
3) The Environmental Statement
4) All other documents submitted with the application
Any representations should be made in writing via email to or to the address below by no later than 28th of November 2024
Please note that the Council does not acknowledge receipt of your comments.
You may wish to monitor the progress of the application on the Council’s web site and if it is to be determined by a committee, check arrangements for public speaking, or telephone customer services.
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