Alnwick, Ponteland, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Guyzance, Morpeth, Alnwick, Warkworth - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Northumberland County Council
has received and is required to publicise the following planning applications for the reasons stated below:
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Reason: MAJOR major application - Article 15(4), APROW affecting a public right of way - Article 15(2), Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. Reason: LBC Listed Building Consent - Regulation 3, ALB affecting the setting of a listed building - Regulation 5A, ACA affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area - Regulation 5A.
24/02522/FUL, Guyzance Hall Estate Ltd, Conversion of existing, redundant stone barns to residential use (Use Class C3 and/or short term let) along with conversion of adjacent and contiguous barn for ancillary storage and/or workshop use, East Barn Guyzance Hall Guyzance NE65 9AG, ACA, ALB
24/03596/FUL, J & R Park, Proposed steel portal framed potato store, canopy and link lean-to building for an existing working farm, Buston Barns Warkworth Morpeth NE65 0XX, APROW
24/03628/FUL, Northumberland Estates, Demolition and redevelopment of the modern extensions and outbuildings; convert former school to 13 residential apartments; 46 residential dwellings, create landscaped open area, all ancillary works including car parking, access and drainage, Former Alnwick The Dukes Middle School The Dunterns Alnwick NE66 1AJ, ACA, ALB, MAJOR
24/03629/LBC, Northumberland Estates, Listed Building Consent for demolition and redevelopment of the modern extensions and outbuildings; convert former school to 13 residential apartments; 46 residential dwellings, create landscaped open area, all ancillary works including car parking, access and drainage, Former Alnwick The Dukes Middle School The Dunterns Alnwick NE66 1AJ, LBC
24/03667/LBC, Ponteland Town Council, Listed Building Consent for removal of vegetation growths and repointing where necessary, Vicarage Tower The Vergers Cottage Main Street Ponteland, LBC
24/03684/FUL, Mr Paul Foster, Construction of single storey rear extension, Low House Berwick Hill Newcastle Upon Tyne NE20 0BJ, APROW
24/03719/FUL, Soda Group Ltd, Retrospective application for removal of existing paint wall finishes from Narrowgate elevation of premises, previously approved in applications 19/04288/LBC and 19/04287/FUL. Paint finishes were removed without prior discharge of conditions of approvals, The Olde Cross 32 Narrowgate Alnwick NE66 1JG, ACA, ALB
24/03720/LBC, Soda Group Ltd, Listed Building Consent for removal of existing paint wall finishes from Narrowgate elevation of premises, previously approved in applications 19/04288/LBC and 19/04287/FUL. Paint finishes were removed without prior discharge of conditions of approvals, The Olde Cross 32 Narrowgate Alnwick NE66 1JG, LBC
24/03723/FUL, Soda Group Ltd, Proposed minor internal alterations, installation of new fire alarm, detection and emergency lighting systems and external alterations at front and rear of properties to replace existing windows and to carry out essential roof repair and gutter repair work, The Olde Cross 32 Narrowgate Alnwick NE66 1JG, ACA, ALB
24/03724/LBC, Soda Group Ltd, Listed Building Consent for proposed minor internal alterations, installation of new fire alarm, detection and emergency lighting systems and external alterations at front and rear of properties to replace existing windows and to carry out essential roof repair and gutter repair work, The Olde Cross 32 Narrowgate Alnwick NE66 1JG, LBC
24/03732/LBC, Leo Thai Ltd, Listed Building Consent for removal of existing shop front, signage and replace with like for like fittings, 17-19B Clayport Street Alnwick NE66 1LA, LBC
24/03738/LBC, Mr S Montgomery, Listed Building Consent for new air source heat pump to the rear of the dwelling. Replacement hot water tank. Removal of gas boiler, Hope House Farm Hope House Lane Alnwick NE66 2AA, ALB
24/03746/VARYCO, Mr Carl Buffoni, Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) pursuant to planning permission 22/00923/LBC for minor amendments to the design, Station House Station Cottages Warkworth NE65 0YH, LBC
Visit to view the full application, plans and associated documents. Representations (comments) can be made online or in writing to The Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF within 21 days of the date of this notice. These must include the application reference, your name and full postal address (which will be made available on our website).
Rob Murfin - Director of Planning. Date: 14.11.24
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