Ovangle Road - Applications For Planning Permission
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning Application No - LCC/2024/0032
Proposed Development - Variation of condition 1 of planning approval 01/02/0689 to allow retention of existing landfill gas electricity generating compound until it is no longer required for the management of landfill gas
Planning Application No - LCC/2024/0033
Proposed Development - Variation of condition 1 of planning approval 01/99/0541 to allow retention of existing landfill gas electricity generating compound until it is no longer required for the management of landfill gas
Planning Application No - LCC/2024/0034
Proposed Development - Variation of condition 1 of planning approval 01/04/1631 to allow retention of existing landfill gas electricity generating compound until it is no longer required for the management of landfill gas
at Salt Ayre closed landfill site, Ovangle Road, Lancaster, LA1 5JS
I give notice that SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd is applying to the Lancashire County Council for the above developments.
Members of the public may inspect copies of the applications, plans and documents on the County Council's website planningregister.lancashire.gov.uk If you do not have access to the internet and wish to see the application details please contact the County Council on 01772 534181 or 01772 534129.
Anyone who wishes to make representations about these applications should write to Lancashire County Council, Development Management Group, County Hall, PO Box 100, Preston PR1 0LD, email devman@lancashire. gov.uk or via 'Have your Say' on the County Council's website by 5 December 2024.
As a Local Planning Authority, Lancashire County Council collects, processes and stores personal information about you in order to administer and assess planning applications and to fulfil certain legal obligations with respect to planning. To find out more about how we process and store your data please refer to the County Council's Privacy Policy for Planning which can be found on our website at the following address:-
Information regarding the decisions will be available on the website within 5 working days of the decision. Details on how to speak at the Development Control Committee are also available on the web page
Jonathan Edwards, Director of Environment and Planning
On Behalf of Lancashire County Council
Date: 14 November 2024
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