Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way.
24/02082/FUL & 24/02083/LBC - Forbes Management Co. Ltd. - Forbes Place King George Gardens Chichester West Sussex - Change of material in the roof covering over a small section of the building. 24/02301/FUL - Mr O'Sullivan - Apuldram House Dell Quay Road Dell Quay Appledram PO20 7EE - Demolition and replacement dwelling and garage with associated landscaping - (Section 73 variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission AP/22/03196/FUL for alterations to ground floor layout, changes to fenestration, alternative pergola relocated to north elevation, alterations to cat slide roof and garage door). SDNP/24/04348/HOUS - S Ingham - Goodgers Barn, Southbrook Road, West Ashling, PO18 8DN - Enlargement of rear dormer, replacement porch and associated works. SDNP/24/04149/HOUS & SDNP/24/04150/LIS - Mr & Mrs Gray - 12 B2146 Compton Square To The Green, Compton, PO18 9HD – Replacement of existing kitchen extension with retention of east facade and historic fabric. SDNP/24/03405/HOUS - Mr & Mrs Thompson - Rock Cottage, The Street, Sutton RH20 1PS - Demolition of existing conservatory replaced with single storey rear extension, recladding dormer on east elevation, 2 no. rooflights & open porch to front entrance. Deadline for representations 5th December 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 8.45am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
There is no further opportunity to comment if a HOUSEHOLDER case goes to Appeal. 24/02401/OUTEIA - Obsidian Strategic Asset Mgmt, DC Heaver & Eurequity Ltd – Land East Of Chichester West Of Drayton Lane (B2144) Oving West Sussex – Outline application with all matters reserved (except for access) for the construction of up to 370 no. dwellings, specialist accommodation for older persons, plots for self/custom build, neighbourhood centre including community uses, employment, retail and primary school (including early years and special educational needs & disability facilities), open space & green infrastructure provision, play areas and associated landscaping, internal roads, parking, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities & other infrastructure & new access arrangements.
Deadline for representations 28th November 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.
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