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Lock Partridge Green, Chapel Road, Stane Street, London Road, Nuthurst Street, The Street, Copsale Road, Pond Rise - Various Planning Applications

RH13 8EGPublished 14/11/24
Sussex World • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 01/11/2024 and 07/11/2024:

Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at

Lock House Lock Partridge Green West Sussex RH13 8EG
Conversion of a single dwelling to 5no. dwellings and conversion of the existing garage block with flat to single dwelling. (Full Application).
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.

Land at Sumners Pond Chapel Road Barns Green West Sussex
Variation of S106 agreement relating to DC/21/2697 (Erection of 32No. residential dwellings including 35% affordable housing, 6No. commercial units and 1No. reception building. Creation of access and circulation routes, parking, hard and soft landscaping together with a sustainable to drainage system) to change the Affordable Rent Housing to Shared Ownership Housing.
Reason for Advert:
Section 106.

Slinfold Stud Stane Street Slinfold West Sussex RH13 0RE
Construction of new equestrian facilities comprising a stable building, outdoor riding arena, horse walker and car parking area. Use of existing agricultural barn for associated equine use. Use of land for the keeping and grazing of horses. Alterations to existing vehicle access from A29.
Reason for Advert:
Major Development.

Woodmans Farm London Road Ashington West Sussex RH20 3AU
Discharge of Clause 3 of Schedule 4 of s106 Agreement for planning permission reference DC/22/0695 to confirm that the Water Neutrality Statement has been implemented in full
Reason for Advert:
Section 106.

St Andrews Church of England Primary School Nuthurst Street Nuthurst West Sussex RH13 6LH
Erection of a single storey extension to school building and replacement of pre-fabricated nursery building.
Reason for Advert:
Conservation Area.

Oakdene House The Street Nutbourne West Sussex RH20 2HE
Erection of a single storey side and rear extension.
Reason for Advert:
Conservation Area.

Sheepwash Farm Copsale Road Maplehurst West Sussex RH13 6QY
Timber frame repairs to north elevation, replacement of west elevation entrance door and new porch canopy. (Listed Building Consent).
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.

3 Pond Rise West Chiltington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2JP
Erection of a pitched roof porch to replace flat roof. Removal of glass frontage replacing with brickwall and small window. Internal alteration to layout.
Reason for Advert:
Conservation Area.

Church View The Street Thakeham West Sussex RH20 3EP
Replacement of existing windows and doors. (Listed Building Consent).
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.

Lock House Lock Partridge Green West Sussex RH13 8EG
Conversion of a single dwelling to 5no. dwellings and conversion of the existing garage block with flat to single dwelling. (Listed Building Consent).
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.

Old School House Church Street West Chiltington West Sussex
RH20 2JW
Replace the casement windows with double glazed casement windows. (Listed Building Consent).
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building. Conservation Area.

A copy of each application and the submitted plans are available for inspection on the Council’s website if you cannot view plans on line please call 01403 215187 for guidance. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications below should do so in writing to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL by no later than 21 days from the date of this advert. Please note that any representations received will be made available for public inspection and posted on the Council’s website or the SDNP website.

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