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Loddington Road, Harborough Road, Northampton Road, High Street, Main Street, St Marys Hill, Paddock Lane - Various Planning Applications

NN14 1PYPublished 14/11/24Expired
Northamptonshire Telegraph • 

What is planned?

Article 15 of the Town & Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Applications can be inspected at Select East Northamptonshire for NE's, Kettering for NK's and Wellingborough for NW's.
Anyone wishing to comment on an application should write to us within 24 days. For details of how we treat your data, please go to
A C NK/2024/0441 Full Planning Permission: 1 no. dwelling and associated access at 2 Loddington Road (land adj), Cransley
A B NK/2024/0442 Application for Listed Building Consent: Proposed new dwelling and associated access at 2 Loddington Road (land adj), Cransley
G NK/2024/0509 Full Planning Permission: Construction of a permanent agricultural worker dwelling with associated car parking and domestic garden area at Wantage Farmyard, Harborough Road, Braybrooke
A NK/2024/0571 Full Planning Permission: Replacement windows and patio doors at The Old Stables, Loddington Road, Cransley
A NK/2024/0605 Full Planning Permission: Two storey side extension at 12 Northampton Road, Broughton
A NK/2024/0606 Full Planning Permission: First and second floor rear extension with conversion of 1 no. flat into 2 no. flats at 54 High Street, Kettering
C NE/24/01032/VAR: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for revised plans - to move the approved timber frame extension from the south gable to the east side of the barn pursuant to NE/24/00269/FUL - Conversion of former agricultural barn to an independent dwelling, to include the construction of a single storey extension to the south gable and re-build of existing outhouse at Church Farm, Main Street, Glapthorn PE8 5BE
A NE/24/01034/VAR: Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for amendment to approved plans to move W14 slightly over on the second floor to accommodate the structural design pursuant to NE/23/00350/FUL - 2nd floor roof extension to form 4 new apartments at 36 - 40 High Street, Irthlingborough NN9 5TN
A C NE/24/01056/FUL: Demolish timber-framed outbuilding and replace with stone outbuilding at 27A High Street, Easton On The Hill, Stamford PE9 3LN
C A NE/24/01059/FUL: Demolish conservatory and erect single storey extensions at 8 St Marys Hill, Woodnewton PE8 5EF
A B NW/24/00615/LBC: Listed Building Consent to change thatch roofing to corrugated metal at 26 Paddock Lane, Mears Ashby, Northampton NN6 0EQ
A Affects a Conservation Area
B For Listed Building Consent
C Affects the Setting of a Listed Building
G Departure from the Development Plan
Date of Notice: 14 November 2024
George Candler, Executive Director Place and Economy
Kettering Office, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Thrapston Office, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ
Wellingborough Office, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP

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