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Town Road, Finnington Lane - Multiple Planning Applications

PR26 9RAPublished 12/11/24
Lancashire Post • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning Development Management
(General Procedure) Order 2010

The Council gives notice on the following applications as it has not been possible to notify all the nearby residents directly:

Application Number: 24/00937/FUL
Applicant: Mr Lee Pemberton
Reason for Advert: PA affecting setting of Listed Building
Location: The Grapes Hotel, 67 Town Road, Croston, Leyland PR26 9RA
Proposal: Temporary site/welfare cabin for the duration of the works approved under planning application 24/00405/FUL for the refurbishment to the Grapes Hotel.

Application Number: 24/00847/OUTMAJ
Reason for Advert: Major Development, PA affecting setting of Listed Building, Incomplete Neighbour Notification
Location: Land To East Of Finnington Lane Feniscowles Withnell
Proposal: Hybrid Planning Application seeking: Part A Detailed planning permission for ground remodelling and associated earthworks to form a development platform, site drainage including diversion of watercourses, ecological mitigation, new means of access to A674 via a 3-arm traffic controlled junction (including widening and realignment of the main carriageway), internal access road and related structures, utilities diversion, landscaping and associated works; and Part B Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for means of access and layout) to erect two warehouse and distribution units (Use Class B8) including ancillary offices and staff welfare facilities, with a combined floorspace of up to 120,780 sqm (GEA), service yards and associated infrastructure, car and cycle parking, internal circulation roads, footpaths and cycle routes, internal landscaping and associated ancillary works.

The applications, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected during normal office hours (8.45 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday) at the Civic Offices, Union Street, Chorley, PR7 1AL or via our website (telephone enquiries - 01257 515151).

Representations should be sent to the Chief Planning Officer at the above address, through our website or emailed to within 21 days of the date of the notice. Please quote the application number in all correspondence. Your comments may be read by the applicant or other members of the public. They will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate
and the applicant if an appeal is made. Comments may be available on our website or through the Planning Portal if an appeal is lodged. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. However, if you do not provide your address, we will be unable to inform you if an appeal is lodged against our decision.

Chief Planning Officer
Chorley Council

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