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Hastings, St Leonards-on-sea - Various Planning Applications

TN34 3ENPublished 08/11/24Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990
(As Amended)
The Town and Country Planning (Development
Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (As Amended)
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (As Amended)
We give notice that we have received the following applications

HS/LB/24/00602 Site of former 20, High Street, Hastings. To erect a new 2 bedroom domestic dwelling over 3 storeys at 20 High Street. New building will attach to the sides of 19 and 21 High Street. Internally building will be seperated by a cavity wall from 19 and 21
HS/LB/24/00628 104C High Street, Hastings. Refurbishment of cottage to include removal of modern stove on second floor, installation of stove on ground floor, removal of inappropriate paint that is causing damp on ground floor brick walls and replacement with lime paint and plaster, removal of inappropriate floor tiles on ground floor and replacement with reclaimed terracotta tiles, installation of bath in first floor bathroom to replace large shower, reinstalling banisters on staircases
HS/FA/24/00700 Second and Third Floor, Bank Chambers, 28 Havelock Road, Hastings. Change of use of second and third floor office to 4 flats (C3). Creation of windows to rear elevation
HS/LB/24/00701 Second and Third Floor, Bank Chambers, 28 Havelock Road, Hastings. Change of use of second and third floor office to 4 flats (C3). Creation of windows to rear elevation
HS/LB/24/00726 Restaurant and Premises, 15A-18A East Parade, Hastings. Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans), 4 (external materials and finishes), 5 (internal works details), 6 (building regulations) and 7 (structural alterations details) of Listed Building Consent HS/LB/23/00288 - Amendments- internal layout changes and drawing corrections.
HS/FA/24/00562* 7 Mount Pleasant, St Leonards-on-sea. Alterations to existing internal partitions and bathroom. Redecorations to external render, replacement windows and door. Enlargement of rear ground floor window with opaque glazing.
HS/FA/24/00704 The Chatsworth Hotel, 7 Carlisle Parade, Hastings. Change of Use from C1 Hotel to C2 Residential Institution to provide short-stay accommodation for Students for Buckswood School
HS/FA/24/00745 56 All Saints Street, Hastings. Conversion of the loft space to create an additional self-contained flat with associated alterations to the roof slopes.
HS/FA/24/00636 17 Robertson Street, Hastings. Change of use of part of basement and ground floors and of 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th floors from Class E (Offices) to form 3 x flats, loft extension and dormer alterations, alterations to the shop front and to existing fenestration along the front and rear elevations, and introduction of a new residential entrance, refuse store and cycle store at basement and ground floor levels (Amended description). Proposed Amendment: Plans amended to include external alterations. Description updated to include works at ground and basement levels
Applications can be viewed online at
Comments about applications can be made online or sent to the Planning Services Manager within 21 days from the date of this notice or 14 days for amended plans. An additional day will be added for each bank/public holiday in England that falls during the consultation period. Comments received are public documents and will be published on the internet. Requests for confidentiality cannot be accepted.
* Comments made on this application will be sent to the Secretary of State if an appeal is received and dealt with under the 'written representations' procedure. No comments can be made at the appeal stage.
Date Published: 8 November 2024
Mrs Eleanor Evans, Planning Services Manager, Hastings Borough Council, Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings

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